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Welp, nine hours to go on the Nurb 24, my car's still as pristine as when it started, and I think Im gonna win. Gonna feel good to beat this thing, after the Nurburgring 24, i can't think of any race meaner or nastier. I'll be able to say I've taken everything GT5 can throw.

Make gt5 proud :biggrin: that jag is a one of kind car, it out rivals anything out there and its about 30 years old and climbing. The car that could :thumbsup:


lol now for some reason i feel like simulating you're race in gt5 for some odd reason.


what exact cars are i it by any chance?? its the jag and....???

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@Ironman5000 Bacon depends on where you look for it, there are some places outside that have bacon and there are those who don't. I personally avoid no bacon and no beer places.




And in other news, I decided to get updates today, now I'm forced to use this crappy laptop until it finishes.


First in line was Linux Mint since it updates rather fast. So I ran "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean", or run-system-update in my bash file. Finished in about 15 minutes, downloaded 229 updates (682 MB) including the new 3.2.0-40 Linux kernel image. First boot with the new image went nicely, works smooth, no problems what so ever, it's even faster than it was before.


Then I ran auto-update on Win7, started almost an hour ago and it's currently downloading update 25 of 186, that will take a while I presume. And according to Kali's network traffic listening (which is quite precise) it only downloaded about 160 MB so what the hell is taking so long? My download speed is 2.3 MB/s so don't think download speed makes it slow.




And by the way, does anyone know why Win7 needs to update itself while shutting down? Can't it just download updates, update what isn't running while it's on and then unpack and replace the working stuff while shutting down? Or do it Linux way, copy and run the package from a temporary location while updating it, then remove the temporary files and switch to the updated version after a reboot?


Don't know how you guys feel about it but I think that the current Win7 updating system is more of a nuisance then something actually useful.

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And by the way, does anyone know why Win7 needs to update itself while shutting down? Can't it just download updates, update what isn't running while it's on and then unpack and replace the working stuff while shutting down? Or do it Linux way, copy and run the package from a temporary location while updating it, then remove the temporary files and switch to the updated version after a reboot?


Don't know how you guys feel about it but I think that the current Win7 updating system is more of a nuisance then something actually useful.

I hate the updating when shutting down thing too. When I turn off the computer, I want it to turn off, not sit for another half hour updating (probably useless) crap.

Of course I don't have Windows 7 on my computer, but my mom has it and almost EVERYDAY it has to update when she turns it off. It gets a bit annoying...


Lots of rain... First we had lots of snow and now that winter weather is gone its lots of rain. And last year we had almost nothing.

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it does it to keep things from overwriting itself and from corrupting data.???? atleast thats what i think why it does.


Doesn't bother me as long its secure and updated regularly


monsoon season here in Ontario, RAAAIINNN!! and lots of it.

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I hate the updating when shutting down thing too. When I turn off the computer, I want it to turn off, not sit for another half hour updating (probably useless) crap.

Of course I don't have Windows 7 on my computer, but my mom has it and almost EVERYDAY it has to update when she turns it off. It gets a bit annoying...

It updates every day unless auto-update is disabled, it takes at least half an hour to update (today it took 3 hours), and it gets annoying, especially if it restarts after updating. And then the real problems begin. :ohdear:


Luckily, I only use Windows for a few programs that don't get used often, so now it doesn't crash as often as it used to.


it does it to keep things from overwriting itself and from corrupting data.???? atleast thats what i think why it does.


Doesn't bother me as long its secure and updated regularly

Secure and Windows, I never expected to see those two things together, unless it's a commercial for windows with bulletproof glass. ;D


But anyway, you can get the same result while the OS is working, no need to update while powering down. As I said, Linux does the same thing without the need to shut down. It runs old software which is getting updated from a temporary folder until the update finishes, then it just switches to the new version and removes the old one, no data corruption. Sometimes, if the package is smaller, it will load the entire package directly into RAM or Swap while it's being replaced on the HDD.


That way it can swap out most packages on the fly, except the kernel itself, you need to reboot to use the new kernel.





And I realized why updating Win7 screws everything up for me. Sometimes it will update the kernel, then it starts having problems with my CPU so I get constant BSODs. Don't know why certain kernel versions have problems with my hardware though, I bet Microsoft does that to me on purpose just to watch me squirm.


Anyway, now I keep kernel backups on Mint in case it starts screwing with me, just boot into Mint and replace the kernel with the older one that worked fine. That's what I love about Linux, I can boot into it using any kernel version I ever had, they're all available from GRUB boot menu.


And weather here is crap, cloudy with a strong chance of raining like hell. It's been like that every day for the past 6 months. :dry:

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Lol amateurs :whistling: nearly 3 years without a crash or bsod, Fully updated windows... Its all in the matter where to look and how to protect your pc from viruses and spyware.


two things


I'm using a online armor firewall, thats the name, highly effective against keyloggers and so on


lavasofts antivirus and malware remover combo.

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