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My flash drive died this afternoon, doesn't work no matter what I do to it. So I've been running "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512k count=35" on it for a few hours, the 35th pass is currently in progress, soon I'll be able to see if it works.


I hope it works, it's my portable ex2 file storage, I'd hate for it to be unusable. :(

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Oh yeah I was watching Game Of Thrones a few days ago.


Episode one only, and I'm not sure if I want to watch more. It has too many nude scenes, far too much uncensored violence and too many boobs.


I have nothing against boobs. I just dont like looking at them. Unless they're male then that's another thing.


But there's a gay scene in episode 5 soooooooooooo I think I mayyyyyy continue watching.


Through the hordes of straight stuff to get to the gay stuff, that's how my life usually works :P

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Oh yeah I was watching Game Of Thrones a few days ago.


Episode one only, and I'm not sure if I want to watch more. It has too many nude scenes, far too much uncensored violence and too many boobs.

SOLD! I gotta check that out now :biggrin:

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