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Well, internet's been screwing with me all day long, I f***ing hate our communications infrastructure.


But, at least I got to try out the new Ubuntu 13.04 I got a few days ago. Buggy as hell since it's still early beta but so far I'm impressed with the amount of modifications I've been able to make without breaking the damn thing. Here's a peek for you guys, I think you'll like it (Ironman and SilverDNA probably will :wink:):




Eight virtual workspaces in 3D Expo with 2x4 configuration, modified Unity launcher for transparency, Avant dock on the bottom of each workspace, Nautilus file manager replaced with Nemo, played around Compiz to get the 3D desktop cube, transparent windows, wobbly windows and that the inactive worspaces don't dim which looks quite nicely. :thumbsup: But that's not important.


What's important is that I have a different half-naked chick on each workspace. :woot: Gotta love Compiz. :biggrin:


Aaand good night guys, see you tomorrow.

Edited by Werne
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Mr Smoke-Too-Much: I saw your add in the "Bolour" Supplement.
Bounder: The what?
Mr Smoke-Too-Much: The Bolour Suppliment.
Bounder: The Colour Supplement.
Mr Smoke-Too-Much: Yes, I'm sorry, I can't say the letter B.
Bounder: C?
Mr Smoke-Too-Much: Yes, that's right. It's all due to a trauma I suffered when I was a "sbool" boy. I was attacked by a bat.
Bounder: A cat?
Mr Smoke-Too-Much: No, a bat.


(and yes werne, a :thumbsup: from me)

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Is the bottom left one even 18?







seriously now goodnight, I got distracted by a song and yeah. Not the first time I get distracted by songs.

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