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Is it old age kicking in or am i losing interest in gaming, or its just allergies driving me away from it. Strange and foreign feeling this is to me???? AAAHHH!!!


NAHHHH who am i kidding, i just need something fresh, and different :biggrin:

ps4 reveal tomorrow :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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I need to have a secondary hobby other then pc gaming and building pc's, any suggestions zzzzzzzzzz


#1 Programming


#2 Design; website, logo, UI etc


#3 Learn an instrument


#4 A sport; running, yoga, swimming, bow&arrow etc etc


#5 Break the world masturbation record

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I need to have a secondary hobby other then pc gaming and building pc's, any suggestions zzzzzzzzzz


#1 Programming


#2 Design; website, logo, UI etc


#3 Learn an instrument


#4 A sport; running, yoga, swimming, bow&arrow etc etc


#5 Break the world masturbation record



Lol! :D

Is there actually a world record for masturbation? Not that I really want to know or even compete, but that's a bit... you know.


And I've done all I can for the UV maps on the sword. There's a bit of left over space that I just couldn't fill without stretching stuff so I'm leaving it.

No I'm going to slap a crappy texture on top to see if it is working ok.

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Do some star jumps! ;D

(Just check the room for hidden cameras before you do...)




Anyway, here's the sword with an extremely horrible texture on it (I just copied bits and pieces from various photos of swords).





The messed up grip is the texture's fault, not the mesh. I didn't make it seamless because I'm lazy.




Anyway, that's sort of what I want it to look like, but maybe with a bit more refined colours and stuff. The blue blade looks a bit exaggerated and I think the grip should be damper (as if from frequent usage).

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I need to have a secondary hobby other then pc gaming and building pc's, any suggestions zzzzzzzzzz


#1 Programming


#2 Design; website, logo, UI etc


#3 Learn an instrument


#4 A sport; running, yoga, swimming, bow&arrow etc etc


#5 Break the world masturbation record



I only do two of those, three when I'm not in college.


Learn an instrument. It's awesome and fun.

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I need to have a secondary hobby other then pc gaming and building pc's, any suggestions zzzzzzzzzz


#1 Programming


#2 Design; website, logo, UI etc


#3 Learn an instrument


#4 A sport; running, yoga, swimming, bow&arrow etc etc


#5 Break the world masturbation record



Lol! :biggrin:

Is there actually a world record for masturbation? Not that I really want to know or even compete, but that's a bit... you know.


Yes there is, 83 times in a row. (males)


And yeah, that's a tad too much :P

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Good morning. I can see that the topics of conversation gradually went downhill as the day progressed.


The usual state of affairs remains :D

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