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LOL I love that Sony video.

Made my day. Since its officially Tuesday I can say that, because getting a job interview made my Monday. ;D

Actually, Dragon Age: Inquisition made my Monday! I DON'T NEED NO JOB I GOT DA!

Not until 2014 though. t-t

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I streamed nearly 3 hours today, personal record lol. That e3 conferences went on forever, i believe it was a good 7hours straight at IGN. they did it live.

Edited by Thor.
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The DA3 teaser trailer was pretty nice. I hope that their "actual gameplay footage" was taken from actual in-game scenes and not just pre-rendered though.


Also, was that Morrigan at the end? Her voice has changed so I'm not sure. And I just knew Cassandra would be a companion. Also, Varric dyed his hair. :P


That was in-game footage (it's says so at the front), Frostbyte can make things look really CGI and realistic. Also Morrigan sounds the same (they are using the same VA) and Varric always had light brown hair, lighting in both games didn't really help (it made Alistair look chubby, that's how bad it was).


As for other games, The Witcher 3 didn't really wow me. I know I'm don't sound of popular opinion but that was the same as other trailers, so I don't understand why people are going nuts over a two min trailer with a guy that sounds like batman/wolverine/generic guff hero (I'm willing to play it for science). The games that really got me hyped were 1886, Watch Dogs, Mirror's Edge 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition. And the fact that FF Versus XIII and KH3 is announced got me more excited. Heck Battlefront 3! You know the game that LA canned because lulz.

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