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lool :blink:


I am starting Skyrim fresh, the Multi threading tweaks for Skyrim removes all forms of Micro Stuttering and lag. the game so poorly optimized its not funny. They should really ship it with the tweaks in the ini to begin with.



its a completely new game, works with crossfire configs better to, if you don't use skse. Catalyst does not recognize the exe as a game exe.

+1 to this, I can finally play the game using this tutorial :biggrin:


please give me a shout in the Skyrim trouble shooting thread, it works 100% for any high end machine. Fixes the micro stuttering glitch and improves fps and stability..


That article alone deserves kudos.




And do you know anything like this for Oblivion?


Oblivion isn't much of an issue for me but here are some helpful links


Streamline - an executable that needs a good read and some ini tweaks to get the best results

Oblivion Stutter Remover

Low Poly Grass - The grass is the biggest culprit for eating performance and this fixes that without losing and obvious quality loss


That's what i'm using and the game runs fine with loads of mods installed including hi-res texture packs :biggrin:

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Also guys did you know that you can get real money money by playing games on Steam and selling stuff?


Those new steam trading cards went VERY quickly (4 of them), in a matter of minutes, each 0.25€. My TF2 accessories that I got from Witcher 2 and Fallout 3 also for 2.5€ in a few min.


Seriously, who the f*#@ would want a Witcher 2 wolf amulet to use in TF2, only cosmetically for 2.5€?!


I found my new profession, selling things that you get by playing games. :D

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"One man's junk is another man's treasure." as my nan always said. :yes:


Good evening folks :smile:

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Meh, that's nothing. Since I got fired I opened a simple line of work - buy stuff from eBay/Njuskalo.hr and sell them for more money. I work from home, do pretty much nothing and earn money. :biggrin:


Last week I found a 1TB hard drive being sold for 25$ urgently on Njuskalo, I bought it and sold it for 75$ within 2 days. Bought a Rog bike for 50$, fixed it up in a day, sold it for 150$, sold the parts I replaced with cheap Chinese parts for another 150$. Found a Sony stereo from 1991 for 25$, bought it, cleaned it, sold it for 200$. Then I sold a lot of the crap I bought on eBay and added for sale on Njuskalo, which yielded another 700$, give or take a few $.


And all that inside a week, earned over 7000 HRK (more than 2x my old monthly pay) and now I can kick back and relax. :cool:

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Lol! Some people have more money than sense, wow do you get these things then?



What do you mean?


You play games that have random trading card drops (30 games or so) and after you finish playing that game you get a card or two in your Steam Inventory. You can get only 4 per game so its not like you can do a business by this. Each can be sold right now for about 0.25€ depending on how the economy will go. TF2 items are sold anywhere from 0.01€ to 150€ or more. Depends on how rare it is.


The money is in your Steam Wallet, you can use it to buy games or DLC's or stuff like that in the Steam store.


A bit more and I will have enough money to last for the summer sale xD

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Lol! Some people have more money than sense, wow do you get these things then?



What do you mean?


You play games that have random trading card drops (30 games or so) and after you finish playing that game you get a card or two in your Steam Inventory. You can get only 4 per game so its not like you can do a business by this. Each can be sold right now for about 0.25€ depending on how the economy will go. TF2 items are sold anywhere from 0.01€ to 150€ or more. Depends on how rare it is.


The money is in your Steam Wallet, you can use it to buy games or DLC's or stuff like that in the Steam store.


A bit more and I will have enough money to last for the summer sale xD


I was more interested in finding fun little cards actually :P I might have to play through a few games again to see what happens

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TF2 items are sold anywhere from 0.01€ to 150€ or more.

150$ for a useless piece of crap? Really?


Googles it... it really is true.


Well, in that case, Werne signing out...http://circusposterus.com/forum/images/smilies/suicide.gif

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TF2 items are sold anywhere from 0.01€ to 150€ or more.

150$ for a useless piece of crap? Really?


Googles it... it really is true.


Well, in that case, Werne signing out...http://circusposterus.com/forum/images/smilies/suicide.gif



It's not just a weapon or actually a useful thing.


It's a hat.


Like, a hat that you put on your character's head and that's it. A hat


A hat for 150€.

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