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Why do the little dog breeds suck so much? Seriously, they are loud, arrogant, look terrible, and thick headed, and there are no redeeming qualities aside from football practice.


(I'm joking about the football practice. Mostly.)

...because they are young and know no better - enter the encouraging parent = you.



No I mean like little breeds, not puppies. The breeds of dogs that are small, like chihuahuas and miniature schnauzers and pomeranians...

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Chihuahuas? you mean the East-Mexican Land Piranha? the beast that once it closes it's mighty jaws around your ankle can only be removed with a crowbar?


I love dogs, absolutely love them, but I draw the line at Land Piranhas and Shi-Tzus(the name says it all; in Australia it's prenounced "s**tzoo") I have a pair of... well I don't really know WHAT breed they are. They're coming up the a year old, they're huge, wolfy looking things, with shaggy grey and white fur. They LOOK mostly husky, but if I was going to guess I'd say Alsatian or some other big working dog for the other half, judging by their occasionally un-husky like behavior(they're actually pretty obedient if a little excitable) My GF's also got a sweet little Caramel Collie pup called Emma. The three get along great since she moved in with Emma just shortly after I'd adopted Jarno and Mikka.

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So you should, they're annoying little proverbials! my neighbour has one, and it NEVER shuts up. My family has 3 dogs, and they are all breeds connected with hyperactivity, but despite some occasional howling(huskies, /shrug), they're the sort of sweet, family dogs that you don't even need to tie up with visitors. That shi tzu though, it's VICIOUS. I hopped over the fence to grab my newspaper yesterday and it took me five minute to prize the little ball of HATE off my trouserleg.


It's partially living proof of how you treat a dog effecting it's personaliy; our little family of pooches get treated like royalty, and so they should. They're used to people being friendly, grooming them, walking them, feeding them, and generally being friends. I don't know WHAT was done to that little bugger next door, but it's a mangey little brat, and it's so agressive. And even I have to admit it's unusually agressive even for a shi tzu. And it's always bloody howling! Jarno howls too, but she even LOOKS like a wolf, that little sack of fluff next door just looks and sounds like a total wannabe.

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I have a King Charles/Jack Russell cross who thinks he's human/cat definitely not dog lmao.


He's excitable, friendly, territorial, has very human-like qualities but can sometimes be totally head-strong and stubborn in his intent.


I don't particularly like small dogs but I would say Mr Binx is more a small/medium sized dog with the heart of a doberman lol


I would love a mamaluke, especially the blue-eyed ones. So wolf-like and as the wolf is my totem it would be amazing :D

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My Gran has a pomeranian called Pip. I remember when she first got him back when we lived in Perth, and he was an awesome little dog, so nice and intelligent...


But now... but now...


Intelligence of a brick, most annoying bark ever, sharpens his fangs before attacking us, obsessed with his stuff, thinks he's awesome... But all in all, just a fiend.


It's funny though how Great Danes (this breed gets capital letters because they're awesome) are like the total opposite... MASSIVE, friendly 100% of the time, barely bark at all, not arrogant in the slightest...


Big dogs. 'Nuff said.

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I know the feeling. When I was a kid the family down the road had a Great Dane called Nelson. Beautiful dog; quiet, smart, dignified, and really really gentle. It's like the bigger they are the less they feel they need to compensate-the only dogs I've ever been bitten by have all been runty, annoying yapdogs, in particular, land piranhas.

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