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Calmed down a bit now, still can't get the smile off my face though. Anyway, thanks guys. :biggrin:

Just don't be surprised if you end up with multiple births.

I won't, twins are common in her family and not unheard of in mine, even she is a twin which tends to be confusing when her sister comes over, but I have my ways of knowing the difference.

And I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with a whole bunch of kids, rabbits could learn a thing or two from us when it comes to frequency of sex. :cool:

Thirdly, I'm not sure why your doctor is saying that sex isn't safe after the first trimester. The fact that they encourage you to have sex as often as possible as you approach your due date as it helps encourage labour shouldn't put you off. My OB-GYN said we were safe so long as wardrobes and other acrobatics didn't come into the equation lol ;D In fact, for most women, being pregnant heightens the sex drive, possibly cos its "safe" to do so, considering the horse has definitely bolted from the stable by then :biggrin: :biggrin:

Unless there is a history of miscarriage or the like then I can't understand why the doctor is saying this.

There's a high probability that her doctor is a complete moron, he's currently "the best", and second best said a woman has menstrual pain while she was pregnant for 3 months. There's no miscarriage in either of our families, so I'm pretty sure it's just him being a moron. :yes:

Thank god our mayor will back to being a gynecologist next month, I'll switch her to him then. He's one of the best gynecologists in eastern Europe and I know him, he delivered me, my brother, my mother, father and most of my relatives after all. :thumbsup:

The only thing I would say is to warn your wife about the dangers of too much vitamin A (in liver, broccoli etc), runny eggs (salmonella), soft cheeses such as Brie and pate.

She won't be too happy if I tell her that about cheese, she really likes it, especially the local one (Paški sir). :(

And how about asparagus? Picarels? Blue mussels? Squids? Mediterranean sea food in general, to be more precise? She can eat a truck load of those even without being pregnant, she really likes fish and oysters. She also makes one hell of a risotto with cuttlefish and mussels, even though she didn't know anything about Mediterranean cuisine before she came here.

In fact, for most women, being pregnant heightens the sex drive

Huh. The frequency at which we have sex doubled since we got married (and it was quite often before), and that doubled since we decided to have a child.

I fear anything more could result in boinking earth out of orbit. :ohdear:

I'm so happy for you both its a wonderful time, enjoy it and take pleasure in it.

Thanks, we will. I know I'm already enjoying it, I've been smiling all day and I'm usually a grumpy guy. :smile:

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:biggrin: Congrats Werne!

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@ Werne, seafood is all well and good just make sure it is well cooked and that she doesn't eat too much shellfish, prawns etc ... Like I said, a little bit of what she fancies is ok just not in great quantities. Commonsense will rule the day I'm sure, and everyone is different. Each pregnancy is different and no two people have the same experience as I've noticed.


Look after her and yourself. Its gonna be a wonderful and fast paced time. A spring baby, lovely. I love kids (I think you can tell right), I enjoyed my own and my children's pregnancies and was at each of my grandchildren's births an amazing experience and something I was honored to participate in.


I'm so happy to see how excited you are :D :D :D

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That smile and that moment Werne treasure it in your mind and get it out if you need it. :biggrin:
My best wishes for your and the soon becoming mother of your child.

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ya congratulations, i have experience with twins, my younger cousin is a double of his former self :blink:

Ones a nut job and the other is the nicest guy going lol.

Edited by Thor.
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