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Programmers and developers need proper junk food to function like they're meant to





By the way, since Croatia entered the European Union yesterday, here's a song to, ermm... "celebrate" that:




I'm habbpy, Croatia has a lot of posetive potencial for the EU. (and there is something you did better allready than germany. it has to do with elections.) :wink:

;D Horray Croatia

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good evening


once more I'm anonymous or possibly Bing


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Its not useless, I'm a firm believer in ssd's and i had some amazing performance with my Current Momentus ssd hybrid which is about 12% slower than your average ssd for small cache files, though not useful for larger files that ssd would be good for.. Size and read writes is what was looking at, though the reliability is another factor,. It'll bring your windows experience index of to 7.4 :thumbsup:

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