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Don't play through all the episodes of The Walking Dead in one day.


Too much everything at once.


Need kittens.





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Why is it when the ssd get bigger in size so does the speed :blink: .



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Why is it when the ssd get bigger in size so does the speed :blink: .



I officially bought this ssd for its awesome features, it has a special standby feature that allows the ssd to store data in the nand when in case of a power failure. This can also be as simple as sleep mode or standby, it would react the same way. Older ssd's had a issue when the ssd shut off even when in sleep mode it would disappear from Windows and will not be booted back up until next full boot.


Excited, sooo excited :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Now my worst nightmare has come true, i must back up everything that is steam, can it be done. We willl soooonn Fiiinnddd outtt!!!

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Internet speed depends on the provider, Optima has unlimited with 2MB/s download for 75Kn (12-13$), if you have CARNet (aka, if you go to school) you get the same for 50Kn (8-9$). Unlimited download/upload and they are pretty darn cheap.


And just make fun of our lovely country, Optima is a Slovenian company, our providers suck.



Thing is I'm waiting since we're in the EU now maybe we'll get better internet soon-ish, so I dont want to enter a new contract just now. I'm paying 150kn (Iskon) for 470Kb/s down and ~60Kb/s up and unlimited bandwidth.

I wanted the B.Net service which has like 20Mb/s speeds, but it's not available in Čakovec :(


Either way I'm going to the UK next year so f*** this country :biggrin:


Studying abroad ftw!



And I can't wait honey :D :D :D

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Me neither, yaaay!



Also I had some form of horrible headache followed by a panic attack and nausea last night.


Apparently the headache came from the coffee that I had earlier that evening, I am coffee intolerant it seems and the withdrawal symptoms of when it wears off are head splitting headaches and nausea. The panic attack was there because it happened slowly and then all of a sudden.


Reminder: Eff coffee


Oh, and good morning everybody

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So, when I came home from work today I discovered a pool of blood in my street, on the street. Slightly worried, I got out to have a look and found it had all fur and some teeth in it. Naturally I assumed it was a possum or something and went about my afternoon. When I spoke to my girlfriend, who'd been home all day, she said she'd heard a LOT of screaming and shouting, but it was all quiet now. Eerily quiet, like something that had been a part of the background noise since we'd arrived had bean silenced forever. It wasn't until later we found out that the carcass was Beryl's dog(as in the street's official vicious, manipulative old hag), that disgusting, vicious, mangey shi-tzu, "Sugar"


According to neighbours, Sugar had gotten out into the street at some point, and someone had then run it over. Judging by multiple bloody tyre tracks, I'd guess whoever hit sugar, then went back over him again, either that or it's carcass was further pulverised by subsequent cars. HOW sugar got out is the other question-Beryl already claims someone let him out and then deliberately ran him over but I think the dumb little thing probably dug under the fence. Whatever the reason, sugar is dead. I can't say I'll miss the little idiot.


It does occur to me that someone may have snapped and let it out in the hope it'd get killed, and not even I can really condone that, but I would understand it. From what I know Beryl's made life hell, particularly for her direct neighbours. It would make sense for someone to try and get payback. Doesn't bother me though, now the street's been hosed off, and I can sleep more soundly, without the annoying little fuzzball yapping 24/7/30/52/365

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