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I have a question, why do women buy a lot of clothes when we men would be perfectly happy if women were to wear none at all?


EDIT: Wow, I have never witnessed this kind of silence. Where is everybody? Is there an ongoing zombie apocalypse I'm not aware of? :huh:

Edited by Werne
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Oh wow so I asked a friend that I was out with me yesterday and we had the same kind of coffee. She had a headache too.

Is there anything like bad coffee? Or maybe they put something in it... Either way my head hurts.

What the hell did you drink man, Black blood of the earth?


Only time I had a coffee-induced headache is when I "kinda overdosed" on caffeine, (used 5kg of coffee and pushed water through it using a high-power water pump).


If it's caused by caffeine, it'll pass and you'll feel fine after a while, but not even god can cure your headache. Other than that it could be spoiled milk (can induce a headache), too much sugar (you'd have to use at least 1/2 kg of it) or it could be a nail stuck in your skull. :smile:



It was a big cup of black coffee with milk. Two packages of sugar.


I had it at around 6:30-7pm, I came home at 10 and I was totally fine then. After a few hours, at around 2:30 I suddenly felt like something was pressuring me, at the same time I was playing The Walking Dead which I played through 3 times already. Then suddenly I felt that I had to just close the game and the computer, I stood up and it hit me so f***ing hard I was about to faint.


I mean that wasn't just a simple headache that was a head splitting mind bending thing. It made me flow with negative thoughts and I couldn't even think of anything positive.


After 2 pills of 200mg Ibuprofen each 6 hours apart it got better. My head is still a mess and I have no idea what caused it but at least im better.


So either it was stress (Which would be the first time that stress made me almost snap like this), coffee, the milk in it, my sugar levels dropped like hell or I'm just sick.


The fact that it may have been stress is concerning me...I was never near snapping because of stress, and if I'm becoming unstable because of it then maybe I should see a doc. The other things are ok.

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I was never near snapping because of stress, and if I'm becoming unstable because of it then maybe I should see a doc.

Meh, just punch the crap out of a pillow or a wall, you'll feel better. I once tore apart a really expensive boxing bag when I was losing control due to stress, made me feel a lot better though. :happy:


I recommend walls, the more it hurts physically, the better I feel, might work for you. If there are no pillows/walls around, humans should suffice, there's plenty of them so you can't run out of punching material. :thumbsup:


@Naomis Good afternoon. Though it's not too good for me, I gotta make a trip to Gračac and I'm coming back home in 4 days which is too long. :(

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Until you realise that you dislocated a knuckle... that really bloody hurts. :confused:

I once broke 8 bones and dislocated 3 fingers in my left hand, I still have amazing scars on it. Not from punching walls though, got ran over by a car. It took a year of rehab just to be able to use my hand again.


That hurt, not as much as breaking ribs but close.

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