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Well I can forgive being a jackass, but scratching someone is just stupid. The marks she's left are quite deep, bled nastily and could potentially scar. I'm going to give them a week, if they show signs of scarring I'm going to press charges. She reportedly went straight to my boss afterwould claiming I'd "harrassed" her(without specifying what that meant) when pressed, she then claimed I'd "unfairly" singled her out "because she was a woman"(despite there being six women who work for us who all get equal pay, one of whom is my supervisor) Normally I'm willing to give people the chance, but every so often I meet someone who even I concede is a waste of oxygen and carbon bonds.

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Halo??? :confused:


Sure as hell looks like it.




I gotta admit, I'm gonna miss Halo when I go PS4/PC only from later this year. It's literally the only Xbox game I genuinely like, and it really is a good one. There WILL be good FPS games on the Sony, but Halo really was kind of special. It was that one, rare FPS that actually put some decent effort into telling a good story. Plus I've got no idea how they managed to make an Xbox 360 game look SO GOOD.

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So I was at a medical examination, because I'm attending driving school on monday and I have to have papers saying that I'm mentally and physically capable for it.


And the first lady asks me what my profession is, I tell her I'm a student. The second doctor lady asks me what my profession is, I tell her I'm a student.


What is written on my paper they gave me? Floor layer.


Because Croatia.

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lol Poor lv000 did you pass :D


If you get a license here at a young age i think its free through the school board depending what school you go to.

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The intelligence test was easy and I handed it in 10 min before everybody else. It was just picking out the wrong/different thing in a row of 3 things.


But to balance things out, the doctor got concerned by the mental test I did because apparently being overly conscious and stressed/anxious in social situations is a very bad thing.


So they took away the A category because of that, I can only do B, F, G and AM.

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I still remember taking my first driving test, it was an absolute nightmare. My instructor had a seizure while driving, stomped on the gas, drove straight into the back of the car she was trying to park behind, then attempted to blame me for it. Suffice it to say I went to a different school after that. I don't know how Croatian driver's ed works, but I had a great time learning to drive. The advanced course was just fantastic-I will never forget being told by my instructor "stop being a wimp, give it more power next time"


Basically, normal instruction here covers going, stopping, turning, road rules, and the sort of ordinary day-to-day stuff. After this, you've got a probation period during which you're restricted to a pre-defined list of newby-appropriate cars. Once that's over, you can buy anything, get a full licence, and can apply for your CAMS permit.(Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) Basically, the CAMS licence certifies you for racing, once you've got it, you're allowed to race. The checks are a little stricter, but some of the tests are AWESOME. Like the basics of controlling a drift, recovering from a loss of control, and the basics of circuit racing. It's fun stuff, totally worth it if it's available.


Tommorow I go get my new car. First honest-to-god new car I've ever bought, I normally shop around for something "almost sort of new-ish" for cost savings, but things are a little different when it's not just your ass on the line, so I'm willing to spend a little extra money to keep people I like safe. Bit the bullet and got a 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport. It's a damn good car, built like a tank and surprisingly quick for a compact. My only regret is I had to get a manual, since the "automatic" is a ghastly thing called a CVT. CVT transmissions use a set of pulleys instead of gears. Good for fuel economy, but soul-crushingly boring to drive.



Edited by Vindekarr
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Depends on country Ivooo. I've been cautious not to give too much advice because I honestly have no idea what a Croatian test involves. Every different country has a different set of testing criteria and procedure-Finland, parts of China, and Australia all apply extremely strict testing procedures and require a high degree of capability. On the flip side you've got Egypt, in which you simply need to drive forwards a certain distance then stop.

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