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The last poster wins


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Yesterday was one of the worst days of our lives (as a family that is). We went to the funeral of my father-in-law, it was beautifully done and all but, we definitely were not wanted there. There was an invisible line drawn and we were not allowed across it.


One of my brother's-in-law was with us, which was lovely and to be honest he needed us. None of the other family members gave a toss about him and the pain he was in.


We were kept separate from the rest of the family from the start and even tried to stop my husband from carrying the casket into the chapel.


We then found out that they had lied about the day and time Dad died and the fact that Will could've been there in time to say goodbye to his father has knocked the wind out of him.


To say we are all devastated is an understatement. I had hoped that the loss of both Mum and Dad would've brought the family together. That any slight, real or imagined, could have been laid to rest and a new era arising from it. To say I doubt we will see any of them again is an understatement. To say that I wont regret never seeing any of them again is so true I could cry with frustration and, yes, loss. My brothers-in-law I will miss and will try to keep in touch with at least one of them, the other, well he'll have to try harder in my eyes.


I guess, as usual, I looked at the world through rose colored glasses, and, once again, it bit me on the ass.


Good morning Nexus and I hope all is well with you.

Sorry to read that all Naomi. :sad:

I had similar things going on in my family. At the last funeral I was allowed to know. Even before that, they had the a lot to cover up on me, but they never did get on my good side. So I give a damn about my mother as long as she stays out of side and doesn't make thing worse ( for which she has a knack for from afar with her class discrimination (all too common in Germany) against me. Don't ask why she rates me the worst low-life she can imagine, since my birth. She never made statements directly on this matter even when asked she avoided to answer in all manners, but in behind the back judgment against me she is a great mouth. My half-sister is on her lines in all that. I say if they don't want to clear their family mess with me, then the next meeting will be surly one they regret, because I have had enough of female sophisticated violence against me since my birth from them. A honest slap with the bare hand would be very appropriate eaven if i have to fight then my way out agaisnt all the other dimwitted Dunkin' Donuts of my family who believed all the crap from them. :verymad:


So my advice to you is keep the honest and kick the others if they misbehave. If you look on famillies you don't need to look far to find enemy sharing the same table under a roof on such sad occasions fighting on instead of clearing years of evil madness up.

Again my condolences for the loss of your father in law.

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Thanks guys... I know we'll get over these things eventually but its hard. We're a close unit and do things together all the time. We're supportive and fight each others corner when we have to and even when there are fall outs, they rarely last too long as we wont allow it. We hate having divisions within the family so work hard to iron out the kinks and get everything back on track.


I guess I should've listened to you Werne, especially after the debacle with my own folks but, as usual, I hoped for the best and totally forgot to plan for the worst. We live and learn, but hopefully we will not be jaded by the experience.


Love you guys xxx

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Yesterday was one of the worst days of our lives (as a family that is). We went to the funeral of my father-in-law, it was beautifully done and all but, we definitely were not wanted there. There was an invisible line drawn and we were not allowed across it.


One of my brother's-in-law was with us, which was lovely and to be honest he needed us. None of the other family members gave a toss about him and the pain he was in.


We were kept separate from the rest of the family from the start and even tried to stop my husband from carrying the casket into the chapel.


We then found out that they had lied about the day and time Dad died and the fact that Will could've been there in time to say goodbye to his father has knocked the wind out of him.


To say we are all devastated is an understatement. I had hoped that the loss of both Mum and Dad would've brought the family together. That any slight, real or imagined, could have been laid to rest and a new era arising from it. To say I doubt we will see any of them again is an understatement. To say that I wont regret never seeing any of them again is so true I could cry with frustration and, yes, loss. My brothers-in-law I will miss and will try to keep in touch with at least one of them, the other, well he'll have to try harder in my eyes.


I guess, as usual, I looked at the world through rose colored glasses, and, once again, it bit me on the ass.


Good morning Nexus and I hope all is well with you.

Families are like that (in fact almost the exact same thing happened to me and my gf with hers), I have found that after several events with relatives that I have absolutely nothing in common with any of them and couldn't care less if they want to know me or not. It's their loss and the same goes for you :)

There is a popular culture of snobbery these days, don't ask me where it comes from maybe these people watch too much TV or something, and everyone seems to judge each other even if it's just based on word-of-mouth or theory which actually makes me worry about their sanity and another reason why I want nothing to do with them.

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I agree with you there honey. I remember a saying "You can choose your friends, but not your family." and that is so right. They either embarrass the hell out of us or ignore us so what's the point. (I personally go for the former were my kids are concerned as it pushes their buttons and I have such a giggle at it.)


We're strong and we'll get over it. You're right, it is their loss. I guess I wanted them to have an aunt and uncles near to them, with cousins etc. Do we really neeeeed them, no, would we like them in our lives, at this moment in time not a chance, but it would be nice to have that extension, but it isn't needed. We are a family, a big one and have managed on our own for many years. We will prevail and be there for each other no matter what.



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Fun fact: The Time Thread on xkcd's forum is beating you guys despite having only started in late March of this year.


People regularly go on epic voyages now commonly referred to as 'blitzing' (In honor of the user who started the tradition) to read the entire thread, leaving messages from the past and seeing current events through user signatures. To my knowledges only two members have accomplished this feat without falling into the present.


The thread has developed its own religion with split sects, such as the Timewaiters and the Temporal Illuminati, and clan wars, based on the deification of various characters in the evolving comic (Including a speculated cameo by a forum member who has since been raised to a high position within the organizations. Members have been elected to government positions within the thread dedicated to maintaining the integrity of Time, as well as preventing mass chaos during an apocalyptic event referred to as 'the Fade', which was presumed to be the endof the comic. It was not, and in fact, has led to a renaissance of sorts to the thread. A haberdashery has also been formed, oddly enough, along with an automated haiku detection tool. There is also a Wiki.


I hope they're all very happy with themselves.



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We then found out that they had lied about the day and time Dad died and the fact that Will could've been there in time to say goodbye to his father has knocked the wind out of him.


My blood pressure just went through the roof. I am so sorry - and angry - that they did this to your family.

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Fun fact: The Time Thread on xkcd's forum is beating you guys despite having only started in late March of this year.


People regularly go on epic voyages now commonly referred to as 'blitzing' (In honor of the user who started the tradition) to read the entire thread, leaving messages from the past and seeing current events through user signatures. To my knowledges only two members have accomplished this feat without falling into the present.


The thread has developed its own religion with split sects, such as the Timewaiters and the Temporal Illuminati, and clan wars, based on the deification of various characters in the evolving comic (Including a speculated cameo by a forum member who has since been raised to a high position within the organizations. Members have been elected to government positions within the thread dedicated to maintaining the integrity of Time, as well as preventing mass chaos during an apocalyptic event referred to as 'the Fade', which was presumed to be the endof the comic. It was not, and in fact, has led to a renaissance of sorts to the thread. A haberdashery has also been formed, oddly enough, along with an automated haiku detection tool. There is also a Wiki.


I hope they're all very happy with themselves.



You know I actually forgot we were trying to beat a record! :laugh:

Edited by Ironman5000
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