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The last poster wins


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Damn straight!



"if I sound pleased about this, it's because my programmers made this my default tone of voice! I'm actually really quite depressed!!"

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If you think about it, i to would stop clap traps production line after robot revolution, then upgrade to something easier to control like mindless robots.

If you look at it from the previous game it does make sense. Although primitive compared to the claptrap model, they don't fight as well considering the whole army and taking over the world thing.

If you vote for clap trap there is the odd chance he might restart his own production line and kick start the whole revolution thing, Scary thought.

I mean he is a hyperion robot after all, same mentality as jack. See where am getting at lol

Edited by Thor.
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@Vin With that choices why vote at all. We have 22th Sep.
Don't ask what is happening here ... every major party is a nail in the butt, feet, stomach or a fart.

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I forgot I left my laptop in my basement. Its been down there for three days... Or something like that.


Dark Souls just is not working. Games for Windows Live simply refuses to let me sign in, then if I close that it tells me that I can't save, the resolution is absolutely terrible (despite me setting it to 1600x900 in DSfix), half the screen is black, runs at about 10fps, and has audio problems.


Was that from that stupid Windows security update? I've had like, four or five games with half black screens because of it. I keep forgetting to turn off automatic updates so it keeps re-downloading.

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@Vin With that choices why vote at all. We have 22th Sep.

Don't ask what is happening here ... every major party is a nail in the butt, feet, stomach or a fart.



In Australia, voting is mandatory for all eligible voters, which is to say, essentially everyone over 18. Unfortunately, this isn't America; you can't vote with your feet and not attend, or you'll incur a fine.

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I had to vote today, but work got in the way of things, i wish it was on the weekend, it was a provincial election so it wasn't as if i was voting for the real deal. but vote lost none the less. Actually the first was.


My work schedule sucks.

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Sony PaWNNEEDD MS completely this time around, they built the entire architecture from the ground up with in Collaboration with AMD alone. MS had nothing to do with Next gen then other then you win we will except your offer.



proof is in this youtube video

Sony has big monopoly over the History of the AMD APU. 50 50 collaboration.

There was no word of MS in that youtube video

this video actually is the most insightful youtube video about next gen yet, explains everything from Atari to sega to devkits. It will change your views about MS, and what potential loss they may have this time around, considering they aren't using there homemade hardware so to speak.

If you think about ms is using 50 50 Sony and amd tech. Unless they changed there mind. Like for instants that they where caught using Nvidia at the E3 event.

Edited by Thor.
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Damn, I knew something bad had to happen, seeing as how I was too happy recently. S***.


My wife had an accident yesterday, she fell on the job and dislodged her left shoulder, twisted her elbow pretty well too. I was in the hospital with her pretty much all day yesterday, pulled some strings so the doctors were pretty thorough while examining her. They say nothing is broken, she did dislodge her shoulder though there's no permanent damage as far as they can tell, her elbow is fine but it's gonna hurt for a while. The baby is fine as well, she didn't fall down like a lump of wood since she grabbed some shelf, hence the damage to the arm.


She couldn't sleep all night, neither could I, the painkillers wore off so most of the night she was crying, the fact I couldn't do anything what so ever about it made me feel like crap. Now she's annoyed cause she can't do anything with one arm and I have to help her with pretty much everything, so she keeps apologising for it even though she doesn't have to. Not to mention that the bandages and that huge immobilizer are making her boil, she can't go swimming either, it's summer and she needs to wear that thing. All in all, it's a crappy situation.


But at least it stopped hurting her this morning, I adjusted the immobilizer a bit so it doesn't stretch her shoulder, learned that from experience. And she sleeps now too, went to sit on the couch about an hour ago and fell asleep, I ain't waking her up unless there's an earthquake or I set the house on fire while making lunch, she deserves a rest.




With that in mind, I probably won't be around the Nexus for about 4-5 days, according to how long it took my dislodged shoulder to be usable again. So, see you when I see you guys.


I hope she gets better soon, I'm glad that she's able to sleep though.


It's very nice to hear that there's some really nice people in croatia who do this much for their loved ones. Stay awesome my Dalmatian dude :thumbsup: I hope the next few days go smooth for you both.

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