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Are you f***ing kidding me... Wow...

Werne, you usually have good advice for destroying your neighbors, care to share any today? :laugh:

For anyone who is interested in what happened, I'll put it in a spoiler because its a fairly (by fairly I mean it's the length of a publishable short story) long story.



So I've talked about these neighbors before, some of you read it and may or may not remember it. But here's a little bit of what had happened before for anyone who doesn't remember or who hasn't heard.

My neighbor's forty something year old son and his wife moved in next door with his parents. And they brought their exotic "zoo" of animals with them (its not really a zoo, but they have 20-30 or so animals. They are for breeding and for birthdays/events. Except some which are pets). Now, animals are cool and all but not like this. The guy lost his house. He couldn't pay for it anymore. He got in trouble for marijuana, and either got away with it entirely or got off really easy. He blamed it on someone else who lost their job over it, and had to go to court. That's why I don't think he ever got in trouble. My dad also knows a guy with the same name, who got pulled over in the guy's old town and was almost taken to jail because they thought it was the same guy who was in trouble for drugs. My mom knew him from school, and he got other people into trouble because of this drug issue often. Those are the two reasons he lost his house. Mostly because he couldn't afford it with caring for so many animals.

Thus, he moved. Let's talk about the conditions for the animals first. Because that's shitty. The first year (its been three or so now) he barely ever mowed near or in the pens, which are not very big. The only shade the animals had were tarps (which RARELY blocked the sun). Winter comes along and the animals are literally dying because they don't have good enough shelter to keep warm. Its like a dog house with a little hay in it. Then there was the time we were clearing out some brush on our property line and saw their dog. I was PISSED to say the least. I wanted to go find the owners, and stab a big ass hole in their leg, rub some nasty water in it, and leave it. I would then return and say, "How do you like that?" He had this big, gaping hole in his leg and it looked infected. He was limping around and he came over towards me and I seriously felt like crying because he looked so pitiful. They finally took him to the vet two or three days after that. The husband doesn't like dogs so that was probably why. The pen the dog was in had crap all over it, probably because they had some kind of storage in there too. They've somehow passed inspection, but they were warned every time about the shelter and etc.
Now on to the problem this causes for my family. The cats make this horrible noise when he takes their babies. There are now goats (a recent addition) that constantly make their annoying goat noises. THEN, there are the two birds out on their porch, that I can hear in my bedroom, and in the kitchen. They are so freaking loud, and they sound like air horns.
It also smells bad, especially with the kind of summers we get here.

Now, let's move on towards the wonderful people issues. The first major issue (aside from them bringing all those animals) was the wife littering into our yard. She seriously was pulling into their driveway and just tossed her god damn trash into our yard! I mean, WHAT THE HELL SERIOUSLY ARE YOU THAT DUMB?
No big deal, we called the house and the dad answered. He was not happy with them.
Second people issue occurred when the son rammed his cart into my mom at a store trying to be funny. She didn't find it funny, probably because it hurts to get hit with a metal shopping cart. The son told his mommy that my mom didn't talk to him in the store. Lawl... She actually called our house and asked what he had done and why she ignored him. Freaking silly as hell, and again, not a big deal. We don't bother to get upset over it or have any confrontations, though we definitely do not like the family much.
Third! We started finding trash in our backyard. Back by where his pens are, and close to where he burns some trash. It was things like chicken packages, or prune cookies, or even... dirty... damn... wetwipes (Ugh. I had to pick that up). Whatever, again no big deal. We tolerated it.
Fourth. The parents stop waving at us like they always used to. Again, whatever no problem. We don't care. And we say nothing about it.
Fifth, the son lies to the local newspaper. He states that he "got permission from his neighbors before moving in," and that we were all okay with it. There were some other things he lied about as well in there, but this is probably the most important pertaining to this story. And yet again, we do nothing about this.
Sixth, my mom and youngest brother are out clipping down small brush and cutting down small trees. The son was out in his pens slightly near them, and yelled out, "JESUS CHRIST! Watch it, lady!" Yet again, we say nothing to them about this.
Seventh... I help my mom with our fence, and we are outside for a good five or six hours before the son comes home. He rushes inside, brings out some cardboard, and lights a fire... Right across from us... With the wind blowing in our direction... Blowing a lot. My mom said, "Are you seriously going to light that?" He didn't respond so I assume he didn't hear. Then after he lights it and ASHES AND STILL BURNING EMBERS ARE FLYING INTO OUR FACES as we work, he whips out his phone and calls someone. We keep working, and then I hear him yell, "WHAT?? I CAN'T HEAR YOU." Really? Go the hell inside you a**hole! We've been out here all day! But as always, we say and do nothing.
I'm almost 90% certain that more stuff happened I don't remember, but it doesn't really matter. I'm going to move on to what happened today.

My whole family (save the middle brother, who was still sleeping, the lazy s***) was out trying to get this fence done. They were gone to church (and the son and wife were somewhere else) when we were out there at first. They got home and we kept working... The two parents come over to us. My dad acts super polite and even makes a joke as usual, and they say hello back.
Okay, freaking awkward. But to make things worse, the mother says to my mom, "Kathy, what's wrong?"
My mom is just like, "Uh... What?"
"I know something is going on and its just silly and we need to get this sorted out because its trouble. What's the problem?"
"I don't have a problem with you."
"Well what's going on with you and Scott?"
(At this point I was thinking... Omg... I'm dead. There is no way this is real. I'm either still asleep, in a coma, or I died.)

Something is said about the fence, either they asked or it was the joke my dad made. Either way, the father says in a sarcastic or, no... What's a better word... an almost condescending tone, "Oh yeah, that's a good idea. Especially with that one..." (Apparently only my little brother and I heard this, no one said anything about it)
My mom reminds them of the first impression (and made sure to emphasize "first impression") we got when they littered in our yard. The father is all like, "Well we dealt with that, its over."
The father also says that we are the only neighbors they have ever had trouble with sometime in the conversation, but I don't quite remember when. (This is a lie anyway, before they moved in, the neighbors on the other side of them already were mad because the two wives got into a fight when they worked in the same building which led to one leaving or being kicked out. The other neighbor left that building and got her own that was in the middle of town. The still don't like these people, they tolerate them, but do not like them... At all.)
The mom says something about my mom going inside whenever her son goes outside (By the way, totally not true. We stay outside all the time when he comes out. Just because we go in does NOT mean we are avoiding him). At this point I think, So now its not okay to go inside whenever you want... what?

My mom is still super calm just like my dad (except for her it was because she was totally freaked out and in shock), and says she wasn't trying to avoid him, she just goes in once she gets tired. The father starts saying, "OH! Whatever, it's not worth it." (Which he repeats so much over the course of this lovely, neighborly exchange. The wife at some point started saying, "Sorry Rick" to my dad and she repeats that quite often as well) The mom says, "No Kathy, I've been watching you." (OMG LMAO SO f***ing CREEPY)
If my mom wasn't freaked out before, she was now. I saw the face she makes when something surprises her. My mom again says she wasn't trying to avoid him. The mom is like, "I've made a point of watching EVERY TIME he goes out to make sure everything is okay and there are no altercations on either side." IT'S NOT WORTH IT. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. COME ON, IT'S NOT WORTH IT. (Seriously? Shut the hell up, oh my god... You started this bulls*** you a**hole)

My mom makes the point of him yelling, "Jesus Christ! Watch it lady!" upon which the reply is, "I know my Scott and he doesn't say Jesus Christ. He would never say that." (WELL HE DID)
So my mom doesn't even bother to argue and they randomly bring another family into it. The ask if we know them. Its a family who has a son who graduated with me and I got along with really well. My mom tells them that son graduated with me and they say, "No, the other one." So I say the older brother's name. That's who they meant. My mom said she didn't know who he was and I told her he was the older brother. Then the mom says, "What? I can't hear you," in her typical bitchy attitude and kind of points to her ear. So I said it louder and they both just go, "Ah," and nod. Whatever point they were going to make, they didn't. Perhaps because I know the family.
My mom then says something about how he burned trash in our faces, and before she could even finish the mom says, "HE SAID HE WAS OUT THERE BEFORE YOU." (Well your son is a lying a**hole, because he wasn't even home at first... Something you can't tell mommy? Drug deal?) My mom directs attention to me, and I back her up. The parents say nothing else about this, but instead proceed to bring up the fact that we don't wave to them. (Does it really matter? You don't wave to us. Childish.) My mom points out that they stopped waving to us. Some silliness happens and I lose track of what's being said between my mom and the mother. All I can hear is, "It's not worth it." My mom says something like, "Okay! We'll start waving again if that's what's wrong!" Then the father says something as my mom and the mother continue arguing. "WELL YOU AREN'T WORTH WAVING TO."
Um... what the f***...
My dad says something now, after all this time of silence. "Hey now, you need to watch it." Or something similar, he was still super polite and didn't even yell, but I could tell from the way he said it he was PISSED. The father then continues on being a dick by saying, "Yeah I said it! And I meant it!" (My mom didn't hear any of this, and at this point I think my brain just died. I don't think anything was being processed)
After that he just says, "Let's go," to his wife and they head inside. My mom brings up the fact that he ran into her and called the mom to have her call my mom. The mother says this in an attitude that sounded bitchier than normal while flipping her hand up beside her head, "TCH! Oh, Kathy!"

And that was it... It was over... I don't know how long this went on, but I was still stunned by the end of it all. We kept working. I just... Like... What the hell? Its almost funny. I mean, they want to fix what's wrong, but they are so unwilling to accept that their son is the problem! And the fact that they act like dicks to us, when they were the ones that approached US! I don't even know if I typed up the whole argument. It seemed like it lasted forever, but trying to think back it must have only been two or three minutes! You can't pretend to want to fix something (that first off, doesn't exist. We have no relationship with these people. They ruined that. We simply tolerated them) and act all bitchy and like the fault is all ours! We haven't even been mean in the slightest way to them!

My mom and I are going to start collecting the trash that we find in our backyard. Whether we confront them with it, or take it to the police, I don't know. I just thought that it would be a good idea to keep it, just in case. My grandma thinks we should file some kind of complaint with the health department (we aren't entirely sure that its legal for them to have the pens where the are, might be too close to our house). I had previously suggested that we file a noise complaint with the police, because the birds make noise every time we go outside, and we can hear them in out kitchen and in my bedroom (I have a fan on now so they don't wake me up).

Its just frustrating. To be honest, we probably won't do anything but ignore them entirely. The mother is a gossiper though, so she will probably find some way to twist this around and spread it through her disgusting network of bitchy, gossiping, small town women. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Its like a high school fight! There is always someone who can do no wrong! Scratch that, its like elementary school. I mean come on, he can't talk to us. He has to have his mom do it.
My mom is mostly pissed off that they would confront her in front of me and my little brother. She doesn't care that they don't like her. But for some reason, the fact that the came over when we were all out there has her really mad.
Yeah... I'm done ranting... I feel... restless.



My neighbors are assholes, and decided to confront my mom about why she won't talk to their son. And why we don't wave. But nothing is their fault. It's all my mom. That's basically the whole deal. More or less.



I wonder if I could make a book out of this... :tongue:

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Wow. Yeah, you should take some of Werne's advice. :smile:


It must be just the way they are. But yeah, you probably should do something about it. Maybe deck 'em for all three of those offences.

Edited by billyro
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:tongue: I really considered punching them. No big loss anyway, they weren't really like... Great, super-friendly neighbors to begin with. I can't tell you the last time I spoke with them... It was probably over five years ago. I mean... besides today.

I decided to play Battlefield 3 with my youngest brother... Talk about carrying your team... Seriously... My team did not know how to defend for s***. If I wasn't at an objective, we lost it. I mean, we lost anyway, but that was hardly my fault. I was the MVP. Almost 7000 points. There were literally like three defuses that were not me. We got so close to winning each MCOM set, but some how the team my brother was on would get all their s*** together and finally get that last objective. He got pretty pissed off. Don't know why. I told him he was going to win about halfway through, even though my team had the top three players in the match. He probably just thought because his team died so much. But they worked well together. There were only three people on my team that worked well together. XD

Also, Starbound. Want.

Edited by K00L
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._. Shouldn't it change with your forum avatar?
Mine did.

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The issue you have hunting in Australia is that there isn't anywhere near as much green cover as in the US. Mostly you're out in spare timberland, low shrubs, tall grass.



Unless you're in Far North Queensland. :wink:



Down the opposite end actually, it's freezing cold right now, snow up in the mountains. Whole region looks pretty desolate right now.




Pic unrelated

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Lol :laugh:

I think I'm gonna go to bed now, since its almost 2:00AM and I've had a busy (and weird) day.
Good night/day to everyone! :D

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