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The most advanced system of its time was the amiga cd32x, i still have it to this day.


the graphics where 32bit when snes was struggling with 16bit graphics.



the system blew everything out of the water.

the only thing that came close to it was the Saturn, but the graphic chip was limited.

Edited by Thor.
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:ermm: Where's all our posters? Seemed rather slow today.

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Yeah, Oblivion is beyond help with neck seams. I'm just annoyed that I cannot fix my Skyrim one. Usually it's easy as pie, but for some reason I just can't fix it. I've literally tried everything, right up to removing all mods, textures and meshes and then still finding neck seams. Might have to do reinstall...

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Or just delete all the meshes and textures in skyrim, save you the hassle. To many people are to reliant on nmm.

Edited by Thor.
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