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I think I pissed my brother off a lot by saying that I think the PS3 controller is more comfortable to me than a Xbox one.

The area where my middle and ring finger sit on the Xbox controller feels... Wrong. Too cramped or something.

I do like where the left stick is on the Xbox controller, and if there was a PS3 controller EXACTLY like the ones Sony makes but with the D-Pad and stick swapped, it would be perfect to me.

But yeah... He seems pissed off now. He's a pretty hardcore Xbox fan, and used to get really mad when I mentioned Sony. And when I talked s*** about Microsoft. But MS just makes me mad. No matter what they do. xD


Edit: I kidnapped July and locked it in my garage.


The controller is the one thing I vehemently dislike about the PS2 and PS3. I used an Xbox until last year, and honestly, as a six-foot-eight mix-race Scottish ogre, I find the bigger controller much more comfortable for my huge, meaty fists. Thankfully the Dual-Shock IV is not only downright sexy, but a vastly more ergonomic shape for hands of any size.


My all-time favourite controller was the much mocked and hated original Xbox controller MKI. It was so fat and round, that it even felt big in my hands. But it was oh so very comfortable for me. Plus it had Nokia level durability.


http://m0008.gamecopyworld.com/games/images/xbox_controller.jpg http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/iostream1/dualshock-4-controller-ps4_zps3d91812c.jpg


Better in every respect to the DS3. It's significantly larger, has comfy pads, and better sticks.

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I have to agree that the Dual-Shock controllers are a bit small, but after having used that and then trying to use my Xbox controller again I felt really uncomfortable. Within like ten minutes my middle and ring finger felt restless almost. The Xbox controller lacks the flat almost perfectly sized area where my fingers sit on the DS. Also, I hate the D-Pad on the Xbox controller. I swear it's the stupidest idea ever to stick them all together into one larger button.

I do love the new DS. Even more so in comparison to the next Xbox controller. The touchpad and light bar and new stuff on the DS seem interesting.
I haven't read much about the Xbox One's controller, so I can't really say anything other than I think it's meh in looks (and it has that nasty slick plastic that always looks dirty) and that they are still dumb for leaving the D-pad as mostly one whole thing, it will probably be better than the old one though. Although I did just look some more and have to say it was smart to INSET THE MIC PLUGIN SO IT DOESN'T SHOCK YOU WHEN YOU DON'T USE A MIC. And I read and if what is said about the rumble is true that's cool. That it can pulse and stuff with like a car engine starting.


But lol, who the hell plans on getting an Xbox One?! :laugh:
Granted, I will miss some of the exclusives but I don't know if the two or three games I'll miss will be worth it. I don't really like the way the Xbox One looks, not to mention I think they really blew it with some of the changes. Not that I'll be getting a PS4 anytime soon, considering I just got a PS3 close to the start of this year. I couldn't stand not trying the PS exclusives I thought looked interesting any longer. Plus the original PS was like the first console I ever had. Childhood memories reside with Sony (And Nintendo... And a few PC games...). I never had an original Xbox.

Edited by K00L
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The original Xbox was great because it was powerful, had great exclusives, and was indiluted by Microsoft's idiotic moneygrubbing. For example they introduced a second-gen gamepad midway through it's life, but the original was still supported until production of the original X stopped. It was a great machine, and felt like a pure gaming machine with a few token extras tacked on. The '360 had only one truly great exclusive, and it was great at launch-had a really nice, simple UI. But as time passed, it just got worse and worse.


First, Microsoft introduces a new "fair matchmaking" system that totally screws with everything. Anyone can "up" or "down" vote anyone else and the more upvotes a person got, the more likely they were to get a match. The more downvotes, the longer that person's matchmaking took. Even worse, you could post official complaints about players that were never verified. The result was, with a totally unregulated(and miserable) community you normally got downvoted and /complained by every single opposing player in the game. I came out of one game(I don't even own a microphone) and had 31 downvotes and complaints for "abusive language" The result was achingly slow matchmaking, often 5-15 minutes between games.


Second, an idiotic cartoon avatar system replaced the perfectly fine gamer picture system. The only way to avoid having an avatar was to do a sneaky trick with the menu, allowing you to have a "ghost" as I do, with no facial features. (Slenderman) This coincided with a graphical "update" that replaced the slick, minimalist UI with kid-friendly bubble-buttons and slathered advertising(with sound) all over every single screen.


Early this year, you now get advertising IN GAME. I finally reached the end of my tether after sitting through a TEN MINUTE deoderant commercial while trying to download a DLC item I'd pre purchased, and was then told that I had to pay an extra 15% undocumented charge. I cancelled my Xbox Live subscription, which had been continuous since the service had begun(I was one of the first Australian members) the next day.


I've been using the PS3 ever since. It's much quieter, more reliable, the X-Cross UI is brilliant(and reminds me a lot of the first-gen Xbox UI) and even holding it, it feels better put together. There's a solidity to the PS3 that I love; it's waaay heavier than a console that size should be, there are no creaks or rattles, and I've never once seen it overheat even on a couple of days that peaked at over 40 degrees Celsius(115 farenheit)(that really is an issue with any Xbox. Mine's instruction manual says to never use it in temperatures above 30(95 faren) Celsius, which is more than half the year)


Final note-just look at the DS-IV. It's practical, sure, but look at it. Practicality is one thing, but that's just gorgeous, stylistically.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Good morning nexus. I'm a happy bunny and wish you all as much happiness as me lol

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