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Yeah since I've been using my PS3 I've noticed its MUCH quieter than the Xbox was, even when I had the games installed. I also like that the USB slots aren't tucked inside a little... thing. I don't know what the hell the point of the cover on the Xbox 360 USB was, but it's kind of dumb and makes it hard to plug anything in.

I totally agree with the other things you said too, the UI is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better. When I turned mine on the first time... I was just like... Wow. Beautiful. The Xbox Avatars are just stupid to me. I wish you didn't NEED one. Kind of like the Playstation Home or whatever. Which I have to say is kind of cool. The advertisements all over the Xbox get annoying, I don't know why they need them. Sony manages and they don't have them. They also don't have people paying to play multiplayer.

And the creakiness that Xbox has scares me sometimes... Like its going to collapse in my hands or something.

The Xbox I have also freezes up all the time (Our previous one can't read discs, and even putting them in can damage them badly). I don't know what causes that, but it is especially prominent in Battlefield 3, though it does happen fairly often in some other games. I haven't had any problem like that with my PS3 yet.

I hope my brother doesn't ever see this. I would be murdered. :tongue:

At least Microsoft changed their policies regarding the Kinect. It almost seems like all the recent amends have resulted in a completely different vision than what we saw at the reveal conference.

Yeah, I was fairly certain they've changed some other things that were not accepted so much by people as well, but I don't remember what if they did. I wonder if they were shocked at the outrage they caused at the reveal. I honestly cannot see Microsoft employees sitting down and saying, "Let's make sure our customers can't play used games. Oh, and the Kinect should be REQUIRED! THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA!"

Seriously... The Kinect was annoying before that. I have never rarely used it, mostly because it doesn't seem to actually pick up people very well (especially when it comes to multiplayer Kinect things). We got Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and we can't play it with more than one person. And the only other thing it could be used for would be voice commands, which could easily be done using a microphone.

Actually, one thing it is good for is that you can pretend that there is paranormal activity in your house. :tongue:


Edit: Also, I'm going to go sleep now. Good night/morning/day/evening/cake to everyone!

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At least Microsoft changed their policies regarding the Kinect. It almost seems like all the recent amends have resulted in a completely different vision than what we saw at the reveal conference.

Yeah, well, Microsoft is a company after all, and for a company, money is the most important thing. They realized that the DRM wouldn't be such a great idea, they were trying to go hand-in-hand with game manufacturers which resulted in losing their users.


The games business goes like this:


Games industry => Money <= Users


For maximum effectiveness, you must not tip the scales, otherwise you're screwed.


The problem is, if you piss off the industry, they won't make games for you and all those users who bought your console won't have anything to play, you fail at it. If you piss off the users, the industry will love you and make lots of games for your console, games that won't sell cause there's nobody to buy them, you fail at it.


Microsoft tried to tip the scales and realized they failed at it, just like they realized they failed with Win8 tablets, and with Win8, and with their HPC that was supposed to bring down Linux (more specifically, Red Hat and SUSE) when it comes to supercomputing and servers (boy, was that a failure :laugh:). They suck at business, the fact that games are released for Windows is the only thing keeping them alive.


That's why I'm waiting to see how valve handles UNIX/Linux, they are pushing towards uplifting them and if they do, that might be the beginning of the end for Microsoft and a big win for UNIX/Linux-based Sony products.

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If most PC programs weren't so Windows dependent, I would gladly switch to another operating system.


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Well, I'm an engineer(car industry) so I tend to view and evaluate machines as much on how they're put together as how the function. I don't know about consoles, but history's proved time and time again that attention to detail and good build quality can turn a very ordinary design into an extremely effective piece of kit. I could make a list as long as my arm(and I'm 6.8) of cars that were brilliant not because of technology or power, but because the men and women who designed them really, really knew what they were doing.


I can't see why that's any different in consoles; on a basic level, the PS3 vibrates a whole hell of a lot less, it cools far more efficiently(the Xbox doesn't work at all on a 110+ degree summer day, my PS3 is fine) and unlike the Xbox, doesn't make a nightmarish buzzing sound from the disk drive. As an auto engineer, I have nightmares about buzzing mechanical devices. The buzz is the worst sound imaginable; it means something wasn't fitted properly, that it's vibrating, and vibration not only means inefficiency(our job is efficiency) but also potential system damage. It's bad, and as someone trained to fear and loathe any device shoddily made enough to buzz, it really makes me a little uncomfortable.


Look at it this way. In layman's terms, vibration is the antithesis of good mechanical operation. When something vibrates, not only can it damage itself, it's wasting energy. Engineers have strived for over a century simply to make car engines vibrate less; they can lose over 30% of their power simply by vibrating. So for an engineer, something that vibrates that much can't possibly be good.

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