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Whoa... it is 11pm. Where did the day go?

Don't worry i'm sure it will turn up, it's always in the last place you look. Did you look under the couch?


Well i'm 30 today, doesn't time fly? The answer is no. I threw a clock to be sure.

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Hmm, it would seem that I'll have to grind off a part of the plastic crap that holds RAM in place in order to be able to install my new graphics card. I hate small mobos. :dry:

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I wish you a Happy Birthday Ironman5000. Best wishes from here to there where you are. :dance:

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Wait... it's his birthday? :blink:


*scrolls up*


It appears that it is, must've missed it. Happy birthday man! I'd give you a cake like SilverDNA but I ate it. :unsure:


Just remember to go easy on the beer/vodka/wine/whatever it is you drink if you want to remember your birthday. That comes from experience, I still can't remember where the hell did the huge, pink pig balloon come from last year (it was nearly as big as my house). And I shall never know cause everyone else was as drunk as I was. :sad:

Edited by Werne
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