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Mad as hell right now. Went to check the release date for Saint's Row IV, found that STEAM had withdrawn all my pre-order bonuses, downgraded the game to a normal edition, and removed my season pass without refunding the 50-odd dollar premium I paid. I'm going to get what I'm owed, or what I paid for, what STEAM has done is in breach of ACCC consumer protection laws, and if need be I'll be phoning them next. I'd hardly be the first; STEAM and Deep Silver appear to be facing a Class Action lawsuit locally for failure to deliver services paid for.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Heh. Well, STEAM works quick when you threaten them. I sent them a ticket with more threat to it than an Iowa class battleship, and they've given me my refund. That was probably too much fun.


For those wondering just what an Iowa-Class battleship is, it was one of the biggest, most heavily armed surface vessels in history. Each gun had a big enough bore to stick your head down, and she had nine of them. She also had an outstandingly long active service career, from late WWII to the early '90s. I guess a 20+ inch three-barrelled gun with enough firepower to level a city block and sufficient range to fire over the horizon is useful in any era. And one of my ancestors, I do believe, served on one.



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Canada is free range in the video game world, world class. We make 50% of most of the video games market, including GTA V.



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Thor-I've been overseas a few times, but Canada and Japan are the two standout "would consider living there" countries. Canada's a lot like Australia. Harsh climate, liberal laws(for the most part) big tech and mining sectors, and a tiny population relative to landmass. It's a country I could definitely see myself living in, although right now I have every reason to stay. Australia's also a really nice country. Sure, the games laws are messed up, but it's quiet here, there's no wars and people preffer shouting and swearing at eachother in mediated shout-and-swear matches to actually fighting. Even the organised crime is sort of "I'd like to shoot that guy but, nawww, it's sunday, I don't really feel like it"

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Even with everything going on, they wouldn't dare touch the gaming industry, its whats keeping us afloat :D


Politics considering, we have some hope, with the general Auditor going after everyone. :blink:

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Once again Nexus is having Maths problems lol

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