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Prior to 1989 we had a neighbor that had 3,5 m tall double fences with Personal minefield between and watch towers... they called them selfs GDR.
I'm not sure I would like high security with death fence, but I would go with a claymore mine under the doormat of one of my neighbors.

(less expensive in installation and much more effective in problem solving and the mess left will show everyone the message "Don't mess with me!" :nuke:)

Another neat idea is the doorbell shocker giving 10 mA a sec if pressed. Good for holding off those evil Jehovah's Witnesses. :devil:

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I have a pretty epic fantasy-now and then story i have in my head, i need to write it down on paper before i lose it. Dang its pretty darn epic actually.


You wake up in today's time, but not everything seems right. Something weird gut feeling is going to happen but seems like it happened before, familiar or something in the past or just imagining things..

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After reading all of that, I think I'll just keep to myself and not meet any future neighbors. :confused:

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We have friendly neighbors thankfully. :smile:


Actually friendly enough to make a fence between yards lol. back when we used to have fires and stuff, made it easier really just to cut a hole in the fence then later grew into a full blown gate.

it was kind of a joke at the time, sense our old fence was already on its way out. Those old wood fences don't last as long as the house does, foundation was making the fence tilt a little.

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