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GASPP!! Super Mario on A sega mega drive, i think you remembered wrong, Maybe nes, but not Sega???

I never played any other 16-bit consoles, especially not Nintendo since it was damn expensive. Only played Mega Drive 2, and I did play Super Mario on it.

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Currently downloading three games at once. Would be no biggy in Canada, but in Australia it's like trying to drive a semi-trailer through a drinking straw! It'll officially take 17 hours to finish all 3

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Currently downloading three games at once. Would be no biggy in Canada, but in Australia it's like trying to drive a semi-trailer through a drinking straw! It'll officially take 17 hours to finish all 3

Oh pfff, that's the amount of time it takes Steam to download a Skyrim update out here. If I were to download three games at the same time, I'd have to wait till Christmas. :laugh:

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It's Splinter Cell's fault. How can one game possibly weigh in at 18.7 gigabytes? what am I downloading? a really fat NPC or something? I have lived the internet dream and downloaded A CAR(for R-Factor) and it was only 57 megabytes, so I've got no idea what could possibly be that big. Whales perhaps?

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How can one game possibly weigh in at 18.7 gigabytes? what am I downloading? a really fat NPC or something?




Yeah, I wish we had better internet. One of my old teachers in school said that he was in this poverty-stricken place (I can't remember where, this was a few years ago when he told us) but he said the internet was faster than the internet in Australia. He then said goats were walking around in the house he was staying in.

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I mean that, that's 40% the size of my entire operating system. Must be one helluva fat NPC. a whale, or possibly an American car. The car I downloaded was British, which is probably why it was under a GB.

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This afternoon I designed a new sword out of boredom - this is what I'm up to...


And the UV map...


I've learnt from my previous mistakes on that other sword I was working on and halved the blade straight away this time. I'm still thinking about redoing the UV map again though, since the blade is WAY smaller than the hilt/grip/pommel. And also the pommel could use some more work, but other than those, I think it turned out rather well.

But I still suck at hand painting. :tongue:

EDIT: 2 hours and a half of winning.

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