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The last poster wins


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Mind linking the source so i could spam it on ign :laugh:

No problem, here you go. A small snip from the article:

The Redmond behemoth asserts that one reason free software is of such high quality is that it violates more than 200 of Microsoft's patents. And as a mature company facing unfavorable market trends and fearsome competitors like Google, Microsoft is pulling no punches: It wants royalties. If the company gets its way, free software won't be free anymore.

It's 6 year-old news actually (article is from 2007), but MS still tries to take a shot at it. They would likely try to pull a move if they could, but there are companies like Intel, Sony, IBM, etc. that are keeping it from happening.


Imagine if you would need to pay for Firefox of Chrome. :ohdear: I'd hate to see that happening and that's exactly what MS wants, pay for any and all software so they can make a profit on that, it's all about the $$$ when it comes to those guys.

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Wow is this still a ongoing thing, if so this might hurt them further with such negativity already, i wonder why i never heard of this tragedy before.


2007 seems such a long time ago

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Sigh there was once a gaming store in my city that rivaled EBgames and gamespot in sheer quality, not to mention it was also like a gaming community that you where allowed to play any game in the store as long it was used by one of there consoles in store. It truly was amazing store for its time. you could of rented everything that was not nailed down. I bought my first snes there when it came out, and the line ups where insane lol. Day one release at that store was a huge deal in that community driven gaming store. It was almost like a internet cafe and a store wrapped up into one. Microplay was what it was called at the time, sigh nothings ever came anywhere near it.There is only 3 stores left in all of Canada based in Ottawa, to bad at one time they where the king of gaming.

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Why are the burger kings closing over here? Its always Mcf*#@ingDonalds to keep the dirty bastard chavs happy, and they are just gross. At least burger king tastes nice, is england just catering for little pricks with no taste buds because they spend their life smoking crack and don't notice all the artificial s#*! in the food?


God I hate my country!

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