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I have ps3, so i am good to go, and installing it now after 5hours of downloading it, 18gb is nothing compared to batman Arkham city.


People have been reporting install errors, but the people that complained downloaded it in over a day or so. Everything seems to be in check.

considering it only took me 5 hours.

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HOLY mothers how did you find something like that, i wish i had something like that fro amd chips, any suggestions... I'm willing to go as 300$ for something badass like that. Does it support quad crossfire sli?? not the gpu but 4 gpus.


for 500$ something like that is a freaking steal, that would certainly be badasss filling those sockets yo. Dream come true. Just imagine having 4 amd 8350's or opteron cpu's on that thing.


To max that thing out you would probably need a good 1200watt psu to go along with that. Power hungry i bet that thing is.


it would certainly solve my gpu sound card problem


Hah, that's a high-performance server motherboard utilizing AMD Opteron dual-dye chips for a maximum of 64 CPU cores. I don't know what the price is but I doubt it would be affordable to anyone other than server admins. Some of those motherboards support up to 4-way CrossfireX/SLI so they can be used for gaming. Imagine shoving four 7990s in there, mother of god.


And there's even an Intel server motherboard supporting four 12-core 3.6GHz Xeon CPUs for a maximum of 48 cores, 96 threads and 512GB RAM. Don't know how those 12-core Nehalem Xeons measure up to 16-core Piledriver Opterons though, so I can't say if you'd get any more performance.




But here's the problem, the only operating systems that can utilize those CPUs and RAM fully, are UNIX (any), Linux (any) and Windows Server. Win7 would use 33% max of RAM and maybe some 50% of a single CPU (with Ultimate), Win 8 would only be using 100% RAM with Enterprise/Professional but it can't use all 64 cores (maybe 25%). :tongue:


Microsoft limits RAM and CPU core usage on all non-server products, and that's why Windows sucks in the server market. :wink:

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Heck 25% would be crazy fast for gaming, i would by that and but 2 opterons on there, anything like that would be awesome, screw standard mobo's, server is next step up.

I saw it for 500$, considering the prices for server mobos these days that bloody cheap in comparison to 1600$

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this mobo is what all you would need, its a dual slot but that's all you would need. maybe fro future upgrade, certainly will keep it in mind.

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thanks fellow geek :geek:

Funny how the mobos are now cheaper then the opterons themselves :geek:

Instead of new video card upgrade i might just go server next upgrade, considering my crossfire rig will last me until next, next, gen.



starting price 1000$

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