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Am I just a big girl or is Dead Space really hard? I managed to get pretty far I think, like chapter 6 but not before dying more times than any other game and now I cant get past a bit where loads of monsters ambush me and rip a new arsehole. I have to keep stop playing now and again because dying this often is really shameful :facepalm:

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Am I just a big girl or is Dead Space really hard? I managed to get pretty far I think, like chapter 6 but not before dying more times than any other game and now I cant get past a bit where loads of monsters ambush me and rip a new arsehole. I have to keep stop playing now and again because dying this often is really shameful :facepalm:

It is quite hard yeah.


Especially if you're playing on a higher difficulty, I got stuck on a few bits but after some time I managed to pass those as well. Just takes a bit of nerve.


Im glad you're liking it though :P

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It is cool cheers :), as much of a pain as some bits are it's a good horror game which I have been craving lately. I might have to look at building those up again soon and get DS2 after this, and i've been wanting to get alan wake again. I don't really know much of many other good horror games, not including silent hill.

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It is cool cheers :smile:, as much of a pain as some bits are it's a good horror game which I have been craving lately. I might have to look at building those up again soon and get DS2 after this, and i've been wanting to get alan wake again. I don't really know much of many other good horror games, not including silent hill.


The Amnesia games, the Penumbra games, STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (More like a FPS with RPG and survival horror elements), System Shock 2, the original Bioshock, Among the sleep (In development still, but worth watching), Alan Wake...


I cant think of any more than those.

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Not heard of half of them, i'll look out for those then :) Already tried bioshock once but it just annoyed me, at least to the point I met the first big tank guy. I unloaded all my ammo on it and just kept coming, i'm sure I was missing some sort of trick to killing it but I lost patience and turned it off.

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Not heard of half of them, i'll look out for those then :smile: Already tried bioshock once but it just annoyed me, at least to the point I met the first big tank guy. I unloaded all my ammo on it and just kept coming, i'm sure I was missing some sort of trick to killing it but I lost patience and turned it off.


Not really, they just take a ton of bullets to kill :laugh: I like it that way tbh :yes:

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