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I'm pretty sure we got the same HDD.

Mine's a Hitachi Deskstar HDS72101, fast but loud as hell.


Can be used as a damn good vibrator, it's big and vibrates good. :thumbsup:


My biggest problem is my CPU though. I can hear it through noise cancelling headphones like I'm wearing none. I'm pretty sure it's dust and it needs to be cleaned properly, as soon as I open the window and a bit of cool air blows near it, it goes silent.

You mentioned having an AMD CPU, those are prone to heating a lot, and if you're using a stock or a low-end cooler on a gaming machine you're practically asking for it.


Anyhow, first check bearings on your fans, they tend to have crappy bearings and fans connected to a mobo spin up and slow down according to assembly temp, which is affected by the room temperature. Also make sure you have proper case airflow, on stock I'd recommend two 92-120mm fans (one pulling air in, one pushing it out), for an aftermarket cooler up to some 300HRK, two 92mm fans are enough and for a +300HRK cooler, two 80mm are enough. Use more fans for overkill, or if you overclock.


Another thing to check is CPU and GPU thermal paste, maybe it hardened and stopped working right, both CPU and GPU fans can make one hell of a racket.

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thats why i can't see the new xbox one not having issues with the apus, especially when amd itself does not like overheating, not even if its a little bit. It most certainly will fry.


86x architecture is a lot different from the Xeon or even IBM architecture which isn't 86x based. I suggest right away take it apart and clean it out or even get a aftermarket heatsink like the corsair water coolers out there. Amd is very sensitive to heat.

Another reason why i can't take the xbone seriously, coming from experience and the history of rrod and stuff.

Edited by Thor.
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Oh good, I was just getting into skyrim again and it f*#@s up. I was happily going about my business in riverwood, encountered an ice wraith on the way to the standing stones en route to helgen, noticed a massive fps drop so quit and seen if lowering the resolution helped, went back in-game which loaded my last save in riverwood (an autosave created by exiting the inn). Now when I look at the mountain, well in the direction just under it, the fps drops to such an extent that it takes forever for any command to respond! I tried tfc command to look under the land to see if any glitchy stuff was down there, but saw just an odd cloud thing (might be normal?) and looking at it for a few secs slowed everything down to less than a crawl, stopping me from any other commands.


I quit and load again, and notice the animate cloud statics around the mountain turn black...



Tried reverting the resolution back and same problem, that's literally all I did I don't get it. I hate everything.

Edited by Ironman5000
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I seriously almost died (little bit of exaggeration) three times driving (not even) five minutes away to my old high school. If you are in the right lane to get off the highway, don't get into the left, slam your brakes, then pull in front of me to get onto the ramp. STAY WHERE YOU WERE! And to make things worse, they drive horribly slow in the middle of the ramp that is split specifically because there are TWO directions to go. I can only imagine what it was like for the guy going 70 in the left lane to have to slow down to like, 45, because of this guy. Scary I'd assume.
If I'm stopped at a stop sign first, I GO FIRST. a**hole ALMOST DROVE INTO MY SIDE, AND THEN LOOKS AT ME LIKE WTF.
If I'm in the middle of the highway (turn lane) turning off onto a road, I have the right-of-way. I GO FIRST. I only have to yield for people ON the highway, not you IDIOTS who think you get to go stopped at the stop sign. *censored* WENT ANYWAY, AND WHEN I'M GOING ACROSS SOME LADY ALMOST RUNS INTO ME BECAUSE SHE TRIES TO GO. I'm about to stick a sign up out there that says "PEOPLE ON THE HIGHWAY HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY." No one seems to understand that.

All because my brother forgot his socks. :mellow:

Anyone want a Steam coupon for 33% off Foul Play and/or another one for 25% off Volgaar the Viking?

Edit: Ooo that seems new, *censored*? I thought it just starred out certain letters.
Edit Edit: Also, despite the fact that people driving poorly seem to have pissed me off, I'm in a fairly good mood. Just frustrates me.
Edit x 3: I'm bored. I'll go play the Battlefield 4 beta if it every downloads. It got to like 5% in an hour, and it's only 1.56GB or something. I guess something is wrong with my stupid internet. Not very surprised by that. :armscrossed:

Edited by K00L
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