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I have mine oc'ed to 4.30ghz with standard turbo, i to have a 8350.

So you just upped the turbo? I'd go with manual frequency setting and voltage adjustments, it's easier and more stable since Turbo overvolts the f*** out of the CPU, 1.41V for 4.2GHz Turbo on 8350, 1.308V for 4.2GHz manually on 8320 (and 8320 has 1.41V for 4.0GHz Turbo, what the f*** AMD?).


And the gain between 4.2GHz and 4.3GHz is minimal, around 2-3%. The FX series CPUs gain their largest performance jumps when going 4.0 > 4.2 at which they get the largest performance-per-MHz, 10% increase in 200MHz. I did some research and some benchmarks on my own CPU, I was going to publish these results since they are quite interesting:




--Compiling Linux 3.9.6 in ramfs using all 8 cores, AMD FX 8320--

--Stock, 3.5GHz--
-Task duration: 14m46.339s (886.339 seconds)
-Performance: 100%

--Turbo, 4.0GHz--
-Task duration: 14m 26.701s (866.701 seconds)
-Time difference between 3.5GHz and 4.0GHz: 19.638s
-Performance: 102.26% (+2.26% from 3.5GHz)

--Overclocked, 4.2GHz--
-Task duration: 13m 2.306s (782.306 seconds)
-Time difference between 4.0GHz and 4.2GHz: 84.395s
-Performance: 113.29% (+11.03 from 4.0GHz)

--Overclocked, 4.4GHz
-Task duration: 12m 36.095s (756.095 seconds)
-Time difference between 4.2GHz and 4.4GHz: 26.211s
-Performance: 117.22% (+4.93% from 4.2GHz)



Got my hands on a few different chips to try (8320s and 8350s, got a friend working in a repair shop), they all exhibit the same performance and increases on the same frequency ranges, they all have a ~10% jump when going from 4.0GHz to 4.2GHz. And at 4.2GHz, both 8320s and 8350s have identical performance and can reach similar frequencies at similar voltages on the same hardware combination, implying that they are the same chip with different out-of-the-box frequency and Turbo setting.


Turbo doesn't bother me much, especially when i have it on Ice :smile:,



Also no wonder its so hard to find aliens, we are located on the edge of the galaxy.



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Turbo doesn't bother me much, especially when i have it on Ice :smile:

Yeah, but Turbo has a voltage that's much higher than the voltage that can be used when setting it to the same frequency manually. I don't know why AMD uses such high voltages for Turbo, likely to ensure successful yields, but it's too high for that frequency. At 1.41V which Turbo uses, an FX 8320/8350 can reach 5GHz (mine gets to 4.8GHz on 1.382V).


That high voltage makes the processor degrade faster and it affects the component longevity, that doesn't matter to someone who changes components often but I intend to keep using this thing for at least 3-4 years.

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Hey can you post a image for the bios overclock, i may have to replicate it. Sense they are practically the same chip.

I like my bois, its the kind that's so user friendly its not funny, the tuf OS Bios's that have mouse and keyboard support.


And the resolutions set at 1080P :laugh: not to mention a built in web browser.

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Hey can you post a image for the bios overclock, i may have to replicate it. Sense they are practically the same chip.

Well, the pics look like crap since my cellphone is crap, but they'll do.


CPU Core Features:


Advanced Voltage Settings:


PC Health Status:



I find that the disabling C6, Cool & Quiet, C1E and then enabling HPC Mode yields the best performance results, that way the CPU is locked to 4.2GHz constant, makes a 25% improvement when booting the OS since there's no frequency scaling. Draws more power though, which is a downside.


By the way, that CPU voltage in the last pic is crap, once VDroop kicks in under load the voltage drops down to 1.314-1.308V, even 1.294V sometimes.

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we are located on the edge of the galaxy.


Don't tell me you only just found that out.

I've always found it kinda ironical though. 500 years ago people thought they were at the center of the universe and everything rotated around that ball of dirt we call Earth.


Then we found out Earth actually orbits around the sun, just like a whole bunch of other planets. And to make matters worse, Earth actually turned out to be one of the smaller ones.


Then we found out the sun is actually a relatively small star amongst an uncountable number of other stars inside the milky way.


Then we found out that the milky way is actually just another galaxy inside whole universe filled with galaxies.


Most likely next steps:


We find out that the universe is just another universe amongst a huge amount of other universes. (there's already some theories suggesting such a possibility)


Or: We make first contact with some alien race and find out that the entire galaxy is already teeming with lifeforms way more advanced then we are. (who've probably been laughing their asses off at our collective arrogance)



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The multi universe theory is fact, ever sense quantum computers came out. It proves they exist, and we already have tapped into one. It also proves the black hole creating multi universes and stuff, Ming blown.


In other news enb has really upped its Anti Aliasing ten fold, skyrim no longer looks like jagggy pile of cow poo it once did. With the latest update comes with water enhancements effects and aa.



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Note i do have edge aa on in catalyst, which is far better then standard aa. ENB works well with it on, just don't increase the quality though, basic edge aa works just fine. You must have to have it disabled in enb for it to work properly.

in other news i found this interesting ufo footage on a random site,





fake or real???

Oh another high quality ufo siting.


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Just beat Lonesome Road, after about 3 crashes in the final fight, but I'm feeling good now. All DLC completed! Also got some good gear for my now level 31 character, and he looks bad-ass. Too bad that I still can't kill Deathclaws easily though, I thought by level 31 they would be easier by now, but nope, still one hit kills if I get too close. Makes them much more exciting though. :smile:


Ohhhhh, there are some juicy mods coming... Oblivion Character Overhaul 2.0 and Fallout Character Overhaul. It's amazing how great modders can make the people look in games...

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