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Trust me the quality and content is by far superior to anything out there.

Except when compared to my AMD Phenom II X4 965, 4GB RAM, Radeon 6450, ASUS Xonar D2, 3x2TB HDDs, custom Debian 7.2 KDE with deb-multimedia repository and Linux 3.11.6 HTPC. :smile:

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i recommend XBMC you can't beat it, its like a Netflix cough replacement. With your know how Werne i can see you enjoying it for sure lol. its amazing what it does. :whistling:

I found the 720P model at future shop, so its not hard find.





Edited by Thor.
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I already got XMBC from the deb-multimedia repo, not a big fan of it though, I just use DeaDBeeF for music since I don't watch videos and like DeaDBeeF, but my wife likes that thing.


By the way Thor, since you tend to know a thing or two about SSDs, are the Kingston V+ 200 series SSDs any good? I'm thinking of getting a 60GB SSD for my rootfs but I need a decent drive, something that ain't junk but isn't expensive.

Edited by Werne
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And I hate this country, for 100$ you could buy a 128GB SSD in US but around here - 60GB, and that's if you're lucky. :sad:

If that's the worst of your problems count yourself extremely lucky Edited by Ironman5000
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I can get a Samsung ssd 1tb fro 600$ here, and the 128gb model just over 100$. Samsung is where its at.


Almost tempted to upgrade to samsung, considering they are the fastest ssd's on the market right ow.

Edited by Thor.
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That Far Cry 3 music is pretty good, eh? A bit sad but whatever.


I'm just looking into the corner of my room where all my weapons are stacked... I have a blackpalm spear (proper, can be used for hunting), a dagger from Kenya, a knife from Uzbekistan, a stupidly decorated longsword with no practicality whatsoever, a shortsword with even less practicality and an idiotic handle, an even shorter shortsword that would be practical but isn't sharp, a wakizashi, and a plastic scythe that I used on Halloween.


I don't own any guns because you need fifty million permits to get one in Australia, it seems. My dad must have 250 millions permits then because he's got 5 guns. I can't remember their names off by heart but they're pretty juicy. I've shot a few pigs with the bolt action one, and I can't remember if I've used the others.


... And I have no idea why I am saying all this. Good morning everyone, my name is Tired Still and I kill stuff.

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