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Are the links broken? They're showing up fine here

Hm. I guess my internet was just being weird because it shows up now. lol

But it definitely didn't earlier. My internet has been randomly running slowly recently. It's happened before (a few times), and sometimes we lose connection entirely and asking the company about it get's the response, "We know and it will be fixed shortly."

And then a whole day passes before it works again. :blink:

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Are the links broken? They're showing up fine here

Nope, apparently my internet was all wonky.

The images show up now, but they weren't earlier. Dunno why, my internet seemed to be running fine.

Dumb internet.


Edit: Woops, double post. I got a message saying there was an error with the database or something so I assumed it didn't post. :facepalm:


Edit Edit: Also, billyro it looks like the things that a lot of other forums/blogs have where you can share/like/recommend a page for whatever reason. >.>

Edited by K00L
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