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I doubt it. The Wii U hasn't exactly been a humongous hit and they're still here. Considering how much Nintendo is loved (for the most part) and that it's focused on younger peoples, this actually might not be a bad idea for them.

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The Wii U will do better once the next Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Legend of Zelda games come out.


Billy the last of your screenshots looks like an actual picture IRL

Lol wow, thanks. :D




EDIT: Augh, boring stuff for uni! There is literally like 5 minutes in every 2 hours that is actually beneficial to my learning, and the rest is just useless garbage that should be considered common sense. Nup, screw it - I'm going home. I can get more done there than I will here!


Sorry about all my uni complaints as of late. I know that I often rant about it on here, but you've gotta understand... it is just that boring.

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Not if they use that Micro transaction idea, with silly toys only children want.

Edited by Thor.
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That's the whole point of capitalism, Thor. You find what someone wants and then sell it to them. Children have always been particularly viable targets, because they aren't smart enough to understand what capitalism represents. If you show a child something shiney, they will want it and with the dismally low quality of parenting seen in the United States, they will get it.


Nintendo's new direction is cynical, but may well save the company. The target market is the USA: parents are the target consumer, and every bit of history says this should work for Nintendo.

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Guys hurry...
Plants vs Zombies is free on Origin.

I shouldn't make fun of it because it's popular, but I was hoping for something more exciting.

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Yaay i had that for free with psplus for decades now. Origin is garbage. And steam i bought it for a 1$, the goty edition.

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They already tried that with the wii u, capitalism , its also product design and alienating their own fanbase.


As I said before, the long-time Nintendo fans are waiting for Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. and the next Zelda game. Nintendo can market however they wish and they'll still get their usual fanbase to gobble up their games like cattle. They're in no real danger...

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You don't get it, if they add these toys to the game itself, it wouldn't matter. They are pushing micro transaction to unleash abilities that should be in the game itself with additional costs that no body wants.


with the release of their newer titles, i wouldn't be surprised if they pull this kind of stunt. Its a usb device that no body wants.


Also is anyone having trouble accessing gamespots site, still waiting for the psvita version of borderlands 2 review. I am not taking IGN review seriously, they need to fire their negatively speaking staff. Everywhere else its 7.3 or even a 8.

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Okay, I think everyone knows you hate Origin and that you think Nintendo is screwing up. Can we talk about something else now?
Baby seals maybe? Look at that face.


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