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YAY minecraft ps4 is the same as the pc version with the same Ui as the ps3 edition, Which has a big glitch in itself that allows for duping blocks, its a big UI bug that can't be fixed, no matter how much they try patching it. Its a design flaw in the UI itself.


thats probably why i prefer the ps edition instead of the pc version, because of epic glitches like that.





A great news for ardent Minecraft PS4 gamers is that the game when launched will be a polished version with most glitches and bugs fully fixed. While the earlier console version took a long time to witness the release, the next gen game will be launched shortly. When doing so, the developers will have the Title Update 14 integrated into the game already. The update is the latest version that PC gamers have received earlier which brings in a slew of new changes and gameplay features for players.

of course that could mean anything because of the update the ps3 edition has, but still crosses fingers hoppers,



Edited by Thor.
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I think in the jinx department you have to actually literally describe what the jinx is going to do to you. You think you're jinxing yourself how?


What's going on in your mind? I may not be able to read your mind, Unless you believe that Star Trek stuff about the guy who was crippled, what was his name? He became the choice of a planet full of people who wanted to repopulate their planet.


if you are angry those people can't read your mind. It will work that way, maybe, if you beiieve it will. Jinx you, that is. There might even be some psychological implication making other people think about being jinxed which could cause a domino effect to anyone else who read the statement without clarification.


Poor Thor. Did he think he just jinxed his fishy trip plans?


Darn! Oh, Well. I think I will remember that I wrote a purty darn clear synopsis of a bunch of movies in the Debate section on the subject of The Future Technology added variety with science fiction and bits of wonder about facts. Ooo! Do the Chinese really have a 30,000 year old Library full of clay tablets in languages only their specially trained linguists understand? Do they continuously train new people in the language so they never lose that knowledge?

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Hey! Shouldn't you be in bed sleeping?


If you're aren't rested when you go out fishing no wonder you might get seasick. Your mind won't even be on an even keel until you gets some sound sleep.


It's nearly 3:00 AM EDT and if you're like me, when you go fishing, I have to get some sleep and get up early in the morning to catch those fish on the way to their cafeteria and sneak my fishing lure in along the way so they fall for it.


Get to bed! Or are you going to stay awake until morning and cook a batch of Capt Morgan finger licking fish sticks in your toaster oven? Ooo! That fancy sea salty tasting cream sauce sure makes the breaded fish stick go down easy.



:woot: FISH! :woot:

I was just checking to see if you would jump to see where the fish were. To see if you're still awake playing with your mindcraft holding your joystick and wobbling over in your computer chair.


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I watched that movie The Addams Family and that woman who pretended to be a psyhrink talked kinda like this: Actually Tor jyou probabbly caunt sleepa cause jyou are focused width jyour mind, craftingk, tinking alwayes about dat site which, ja, is keeppink jyou alerat because jyou want ta bey dehe number 1 wenar dthere always.




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I could get an R9 280X for cheap on eBay... But I'm not sure if my wimpy 500W PSU can take it. I've heard that the R9 series is fairly power hungry.


Modern base psu wattage is 500Watt minimum these days for most high end cards, so ya your going to need to upgrade.

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