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Oblivion crashes when I try to start a new game. I can still load existing games fine, but actually clicking the new game button crashes it. I downloaded a savegame that was at the sewer exit and thus I was able to bypass it. :P


Your brother sounds a lot like my sister, K00L. Random tantrums, destructive, particularly obnoxious for no reason... :dry:

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I discovered setting up my OS Windows 7 in 64 bit was a mistake. None of my loved games work in 64 bit, only 32 bit.


Ooo! I feel so stupid for thinking they would work if I set them up in the compatibility mode of Vista or XP. No way. 32 bit only!


Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, several others I am sure will probably crash if I try them. I going to go put my new computer together and remember it is for GAMING! No 64 bit OS. RAGE by Bethesda is the Only game I have that is even setup for 64 bit.


Oh YEAH! That's right! That was supposed to be the idea. Every game was supposed to be being constructed to work in 64 bit settings.


Ooo! Look at the lazy computer companies whose smart game makers for video game's "sold out" when big A's made the consoles NUMBER ONE after RAGE by Bethesda petered out pushing us computer gamers almost completely off the playing field!

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Windows 7 has 32bit mode and 64bit mode. Look under the programs directory, there is two of them hence the compatibility, they install automatically in its proper 32 or 64bit format.

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Yes, yes! I know. I am distraught because I knew all along, and yet, for some unknown reason i wanted 64 bit setup. Oh! The shame! I can't bare the fact that my own conceited Ego wanted to force me into submission.


To never again play such fun games that only use 32 bit OS settings. I wanted to be a 64 bit gamer.


No more mr nice console guy. I decided I was going to keep my money until consoles lost their greedy little grips on gamers around the world.


Oh, Yea oh Yea! Computers have made a come back, Yea! Halleluyah! They have!


But no! No games from my collection that originally did not need STEAM will work, Not in 64 bit. The vile switch to change the system to 32 bit from 64 bit eludes me, Yea. My mind has forsaken me.


God?! What have I done to deserve this horrible fate?


:blush: I WIN! :laugh:

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Oblivion crashes when I try to start a new game. I can still load existing games fine, but actually clicking the new game button crashes it. I downloaded a savegame that was at the sewer exit and thus I was able to bypass it. :tongue:


Your brother sounds a lot like my sister, K00L. Random tantrums, destructive, particularly obnoxious for no reason... :dry:

Oblivion likes to be problematic (oh right that's just Bethesda games in general). :laugh:

I already had a few problems (some involving mods and some not) but I think everything's sorted out now.


I don't know why my brother is like that. I've said before I hope it's something he'll grow out of, but I remember him snapping a Gameboy Advance in half because of something, and that was at least 8 years ago. He recently broke (another) Xbox controller so he definitely hasn't changed.

I told him to play Dark Souls so maybe that one was my fault, but he plays the second one without issues (so far, and I hope it stays that way because he plays it on MY PS3 with MY controller (his has mysteriously disappeared, and I fear it may have met it's tragic end) and MY old computer monitor).


The funny part about him playing Dark Souls was that he kept saying it was broken, even after previously watching this and laughing about it.

The video is really annoying/funny/depressing and has a loooooot of swearing, just in case anyone who plays it has the volume up too loud. It's also DSPGaming so I recommend passing if you already know what that is, unless you don't want to, that's just what I would do because I find him annoying. For anyone interested, I would skip a few minutes into it.



I told him that he sounded like that guy in the video he watched. He was not happy about that, and he refuses to play the first Dark Souls anymore.

I understand that Dark Souls/anything can be frustrating, but I don't understand the yelling like someone's trying to eat your soul and breaking things. I always just quit and take a break if something starts to get to me. I did the same when my other brother used to get pissed when we played Battlefield together. I didn't like that he was screaming into my ear basically, so I'd just say, "I need a break, this game gives me a headache." Mostly because I was afraid to say, "YO! STOP YELLING IN MY DAMN EAR." I would have ended up with a controller lodged into my skull.

But the random tantrums are the worst. Seriously, who gets pissed off about a ruler not having centimeters? :no:

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Sounds like a madman. I wouldn't let him use your stuff if I were you, because he'll probably end up snapping and breaking them, then refuse to buy you new ones.


I had a quick skim through the video, but didn't find any rage, so I'll just take your word for it.





Grr, I'm getting pretty sick of betrayals in the novels I read. They seem so bloody unnecessary!

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I know exactly what you're talking about Kool, I'm currently playing EVE Online, which has a lot in common with Dark Souls. You see a lot of ragequits-some people just can't cope with the stress.


EVE is a very complex game, and requires a lot of reading. It's a game where cognisance, common sense and a willingness to learn trump any level of elan, aggression or reflexes. Everything has consequences; the community largely self-governs, and nearly every aspect of the game is player controlled. Learning how the world works is crucial and many older players have trained atleast a few newbie pupils. The problem is, not everybody wants to learn, and that's why some people simply implode(or explode) in EVE just as they do in Dark Souls.


The first thing EVE teaches you is "don't fly what you can't afford to lose" A lost ship doesn't respawn, and the best ships offer solid performance at a bargain price. Smart pilots only use expensive high-power ships in PVE; PVP is generally fought using cheap, expendable Cruisers and Frigates. And yet for reasons beyond my comprehension I frequently see hideously expensive(and often hideously vulnerable) ships lumber into PVP and get smashed, with the aggrieved owned ranting for hours afterwards on every forum they can find about how unfair the game is.

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Ah! Stress. :ohmy: Canned emotional bursts of frustration caused when a bigger problem we are too weak to over power stops us in our tracks. "But Mom! I finished all my work on the chore! See! I am stronger, faster, and more accurate now. Look! I even got the task done exactly the way you like it." < pause for effect > ( looking above and over her shoulder as she inspects my work, watching the clocks second hand ticking away taking the free time I've earned away while I am held in review.) "Now can I go play with my friends my own age?"


:laugh: I WN! :sad:

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Hmm so nasa decided to go the exploding method of space travel.


Ehh its a start when they get Warp and Emdrive working.


Sigh they should of collaborated with Space x for the landing thing, typical really.

That Orion Space ship is exactly as i thought it was......



Edited by Thor.
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