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Crazy meaning, what?????.... Other then :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: Crazzzy STTUUFFFF!!!!

SEEE YA's runsss

I retract my comment.............................................................dsfdsfdagadfgdesfa

Edited by Thor.
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So I thought playing Guild Wars 2 would be fun. I made a new character and an important enemy in the human tutorial/beginning may or may not have met an untimely death. Like a game breaking untimely death. As in I broke the beginning of Guild Wars 2 for anyone in that zone. Oops.

I'm hoping it will just reset itself.

Just a warning, don't use character birthday gifts to level up to 20 too soon. You may end up killing (mini)bosses in one (or two actually) hit and breaking things. GOOD LUCK NEW PLAYERS WITH HUMAN CHARACTERS ON WHATEVER SERVER I WAS ON! :tongue:

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I have been studying that Nasa Hrrm planetary space ship, you heard that right.



Its happening as we speak, i think in a years time till completion. space ship Orion is no coincidence with the name and all.


The name is a big give away.

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It helps to remind us why we play, because lack of good food and drink can cause us to be in a way, :ermm: Crazy, :confused: Raving, :hurr: Mad as can be :mad: . Like a privateer who lost their job to a handsome captain who was nothing more than merchants son before, so the old Kings man turned Pirate might have gone to darken the seas with the Skull and Crossed bones. :pirate: Arrrggh!


Then the meek who want to dream of fairyland and pink unicorns that all MOD tame little animals and cute little faces for these games Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and anywhere else that isn't full of flowers like pansies which they cut and paste their delight before the dark night Creaps creep back into their minds again.

Aye! We horrible old men return as they run away from that place that has trolls and demons which stick their nose out from under a bridge and say, "Give us a toll, or something bad may happen to you when you cross my GPU bridge at the bridge near my MoBo rule, without giving me a bitcoin for trespassing across my Mother Board you horny ponies dare not trot where cattails, dragonflies, and frogs live." :devil: "Give up something to pay or turn away!"

:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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FYI Thor.


One of the big issues on the Internet game servers was becoming a real big issue. People joined the math quiz game to earn Bitcoins who did not have enough CPU power on their own to earn much so they started teams.


One of the people learned a way to take advantage of anyone with a GPU on their videocard while they were gaming on MMO servers.


They hacked in using a simple program that bypassed the modem, bridged across the MoBo to the videocard, giving them direct use of the CPU and the GPU's to add more power to do the calculations to make them Bitcoin Rich.


It was a slick way to bypass the MoBo CPU and use the videocards GPU without the owner suspecting, until one of the MMO companies actually did it on purpose as a Advertising stunt, but didn't remove the software. It got fired up and some clients caught them. They apologized to their members, but did not replace the burnt out members CPU's or GPU's that were caught up in their stupid mode. Maybe not so stupid because they probably made a few million off each calculation that was run earning them Bitcoins before they were found out.


Their were people getting on a server with their own computers and bypassing the servers into other peoples home computers illegally too.


Not just using the GPU GHz a little, pushing them to 100% at times, and actually burning out people videocards.


When I visit certain servers I use one machine. The GPU gets buzzed infrequently, but when my video cards GPU gets revved way too high while I hang out at a server I know its likely a few of the sneaks also on the Math queue setup stealing GHz through the server bypassing it directly onto my GPU.


It can be a place where you might think no one suspects them, someone is doing it though. So our GPU gets buzzed by people abusing our machines so they can get more of the GPU they access to do the math calculations for them to earn stuff, like Bitcoins. What is a better place to do this other than a dying out dot com?


I have a solution which saves my machines from getting fried. Last time I passed on a solution to anyone a few days later my machine got hammered first, and then fried. Bangers I call them, because they are banging on the door while secretly robbing everyone inside coming in from the back door.


No paranoia here. Just the facts man!

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