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Yeah I'm sure it's much better, but the changes just makes me stare at it like I can't read anything. :laugh:

I have to use mods now when I replay them. Or at least through the first one. Which I need to play through quickly.

I want one of those computers too. :tongue: I'm not even sure what Skyrim runs at for me, probably around 20 or so. If I were to use ENB it runs at about .5 frames per second. That's probably a bit of an exaggeration.

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I would play through Origins and 2 again... but I can't be bothered. I've played through them so many times that I just can't any more. I think using the Dragon Age Keep will be enough of a refresher for me. :smile:

Are you planning on getting Inquisition on PC? Because I'm not sure if the game will run very well on your computer if that's the case. :ohdear:

EDIT: Whoa, this WIP mod looks awesome! http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1508450-wip-character-behaviors-enhanced/

There are a few videos showcasing what it can do (e.g. attacking mid-air, attacking underwater, proper aiming animations), and so far it looks really awesome. There's also an alpha build release, though I haven't tried it yet.

So, I've been thinking about writing a story for a while now. I've mapped out a lot of things in regards to the storyline, characters, locations, events, lore, things like that (over 3,000 words so far) and I reckon I'm almost ready to start. The question now is... can I be bothered to see it through?

Probably not, but I shall try.

EDIT 2: Phew, I have written a lot today. I decided to start on one of the... err... "fight" scenes (*wink wink*), since that will definitely motivate me to continue! :tongue:

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I couldn't stop laughing after seeing this... Apparently it's a stripped-down Linux OS designed with seniors in mind.




I gotta admit, working tech support does have its moments... :laugh:

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That's what I'm worried about. I may just play through it on easy (or cheat) because I've played through them so much. I refuse to limit myself to the whole Keep thing because Bioware's comic thing for Mass Effect was cool but you miss out on a lot. Of course I don't know that it will be that big of difference in Dragon Age since most minor plots don't reappear like they did in Mass Effect. Still, I want to have my saves.


And yeah I am. It definitely will not be running well (or possibly at all) on my laptop. Hopefully by then I'll finally get a computer but... Maybe not. If not it will be shortly after DAI releases because I CAN'T wait. :laugh:


And that mod. I want. I always play in third person (until I can't see the item/object I want to pick up/interact with) so these things are awesome! I saw a mod a while ago that let you attack mid-air but it just played the attack animation and canceled the jump one.


Good luck with your writing! I need to get back into drawing things and stuff because I've been so busy (except for these past few days but I was sick soooo) that I've been skipping things I usually do. I understand not being able to finish things. :tongue: I get distracted easily.



That part where it says "Seniors love the touch screen!" made me laugh and I'm not sure why.


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Good luck with your writing! I need to get back into drawing things and stuff because I've been so busy (except for these past few days but I was sick soooo) that I've been skipping things I usually do. I understand not being able to finish things. :tongue: I get distracted easily.


Thanks. So far, I've written a single chapter (chapter 17, give or take), which is comprised of 7,000 words (10,000 words in total). It's a particularly steamy chapter though so I had a lot of fun writing it. :tongue: I reckon what I'll do, is write up all the interesting chapters first, then go back and just fill in the edges around it. Then once that's done, go over it a final time to fix up inconsistencies and stuff like that. Most likely I'll end up re-writing the entire thing like 5 times, though. :laugh:


I didn't realise you drew stuff. I haven't seen any of it, but that might just be because you don't post it on here. Or I forgot about them, because my brain is forgetful sometimes. Or because I stayed up all night (it's currently 9 AM) and my brain isn't functioning correctly. :tongue:


Do you know what's strange? For some reason, when I'm in this sleep-deprived state, I find it much easier to form cohesive sentences with complex words than I do normally. Unhelpfully, my ability to type properly seems to counter this advantage as I make stupid spelling mistakes frequently. :ermm:

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Yeah I don't post things here normally. Mostly because by drawing I mean scribbling/doodling (usually... but occasionally I stay focused long enough to do more than that) and then crumpling the paper and tossing it (but also mostly because I think I suck at it). Or attempting to use the tablet I have with Photoshop and then just closing without saving. Or not really drawing but throwing things together in Photoshop. The few things I have kept were pixel things (besides a few random other things) for a thread on Chucklefish's forums and I probably posted them here. Maybe. I'll find one. Or a few. I'll just spoiler it.

My best one was this one. Or I thought so. My one with the most likes was one for the theme birthday though.

Not finished one (I have lot's of unfinished things but most are less... substantial) that was probably too large for the fish theme week. The one on the right is what I entered.
For the theme retro upgrade (using only 4 colors of which one must be transparency) I chose to do the blue tank from the tank game in Combat! on the Atari.

Oh duh... I drew my avatar too. Forgot about that for some reason.
Oh and I'm pretty sure I posted that cartoony dinosaur drawing I did a while back. And definitely my sexy Capra Demon with his creepy pink nipples in the same style of that dinosaur. :laugh:
NSFW: (just kidding)


The best thing I had ever drawn was probably this travel poster I had to make in art class. I chose Australia. It looked great in pencil... And then I had to paint it. With outlines. Ugh. Totally killed it.

TOTALLY RANDOM TIME! I was eating a mini Payday and then this happened!


The expiration or best by date or whatever came off of the wrapper.

I'll wrap (HAHAHA) up my post now since I posted like a billion (or maybe just six) pictures. I shall ponder the existence of this mystical B upon my middle finger.
Hehe. I should show people the letter...

Edit: Wahhh... I think I just spent an hour typing a post. That edited part wasn't there before. Also I agree. When I'm really tired strange words appear on my screen, but then accidentally press space too soon and end u ploo kingli kethis.
I feel slightly spastic...

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I noticed that a lot of my characters turn out to be very similar, aside from race and hairstyle. I decided to give my new character some unique personality with a custom-made full body tattoo...






Now I have to tweak it even more so that it looks good in-game...



EDIT: I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


Image is NSFW (even though she is covered up by black bars)






I haven't tried the tattoo on a male character yet, but it should work.





EDIT: Where is everyone? Did you get scared off by my images? :P


Oh yeah, I also finally got a legendary (green) in Heroes of Dragon Age, heh heh heh heh heh. About time...

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