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The last poster wins


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I feel like I haven't posted here in a while. So yeah... Hi.
I blame my PS4 and Warframe, which is really fun by the way. It's F2P and on PC, I haven't done much multiplayer stuff yet, though I did get help on two missions, once accidentally and the other time because I can't capture and hold four things by myself. Still, playing missions solo was crazy fun for something that's free.

I feel like there was something I wanted to post here, but I can't remember what it was. Maybe I'll remember in a couple of hours or something.

Edited by K00L
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Is it quitting time again? Only two months until the PS4 Batman Collectors machine arrives. There will be Goth again. Gotham City Goth. :laugh:


And then...

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

And then the curtains close for another evening.

It looks like death isn't excepting visitors. My time on this plane isn't up yet.

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I want a world where we can all be

Happy for awhile.

Imagine if you will

Where you are

On your Star

You can see

A raindrop

Then another



Then one by one

The rain drops fall

Until what you want

Will be what you get

Just focus your mind

get set.

Think of a cloud which brings you rain

Rain that will fall.

Gently down until the ground

until it is cool

and damp.

Would you like a lot of rain drops?

Or do you only pray for

a nice rain to lay the dust down?

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I beat GTA V today. I must say, it is a good game. A very good game! Now, normally I don't play shooters, being primarily a fantasy/medieval gamer, but GTA V is one of the best games I've played, period. And initially I thought some of the content would really put me off (like the gang-wars or the strip-clubs or the torture scenes - none of which I'm comfortable with) but luckily the focus wasn't on those and I could enjoy the game. The level of detail is astonishing, too.

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