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Time to make sure all those programs that check for updates are set to off; so they don't interrupt the Fallout 4 download


Click to stop advertisements from popping in or checking to see if they've gotten your attention too.


Time to run that program that blocks incoming and outgoing pings to other sites. Other then the Fallout 4 download site that is.


Delete your TEMP files in your Temp folder and delete all those webpage files that speed up your webpage downloads when you visit them. :geek:




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I kind of ranted and it's pointless and long so I spoilered it.

So this is kind of weird probably but I just wanna see what everyone else thinks.

Where I live there's this spot on the highway and nobody seems to understand it (I'm exaggerating a bit but it really is frustrating, they even had to put up a sign to tell people what to do, I'll point out what below the picture). Anyway, I had to take my brother to school and so I was coming home and this happened:

(The sign I mentioned is on the North side of the road, and tells them they have to yield to people in the middle of the highway. Doesn't really help much, apparently no one can read here.)

Alright, so the red is me. I get into my little lane to go across onto the road and have to wait for traffic, after a couple of minutes of waiting this lady (blue) comes from the south side of the road and has to stop. She's turning left onto the highway. Another minute or two and it finally clears so I start to go, only to be cut off by this lady (Obviously I was very angry). I honked at her and shook my head when she looked, waited another minute and then was able to get across finally.
1. I came from the highway, which has the right of way.
2. I was there first.
3. She was turning left, came from a road, and was stopped after me.

I haven't really seen any other places like this (with the whole extra lane for people on this side of the highway). Anyway, so many people just go in front of me (if they're there before me I let them, but I mean when I'm there first) when I'm in that lane that I feel like I'm doing something wrong (unlikely). Just wondering what you guys think (besides that I'm a very, very short tempered person). :tongue:


Edited by K00L
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I mean...iit is so obvious...K00L that you're paying way to much attention to signs; and not having fun driving through traffic avoiding accidents, for fun, on purpose.


Signs! Signs! Every where there's sign. Talking without speaking, breaking my mind.


Do this! Don't do that! Can't you read the signs?


Go slow!


Watch out for Children!


Slow for Crossing! If you see a bunch of priest and nuns you should slow down if their are crossing themselves.


My favorite:



Of course they are! Their legs are really short. Which gives them a handicap. :laugh:

:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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I kind of ranted and it's pointless and long so I spoilered it.


So this is kind of weird probably but I just wanna see what everyone else thinks.


Where I live there's this spot on the highway and nobody seems to understand it (I'm exaggerating a bit but it really is frustrating, they even had to put up a sign to tell people what to do, I'll point out what below the picture). Anyway, I had to take my brother to school and so I was coming home and this happened:



(The sign I mentioned is on the North side of the road, and tells them they have to yield to people in the middle of the highway. Doesn't really help much, apparently no one can read here.)



Alright, so the red is me. I get into my little lane to go across onto the road and have to wait for traffic, after a couple of minutes of waiting this lady (blue) comes from the south side of the road and has to stop. She's turning left onto the highway. Another minute or two and it finally clears so I start to go, only to be cut off by this lady (Obviously I was very angry). I honked at her and shook my head when she looked, waited another minute and then was able to get across finally.

1. I came from the highway, which has the right of way.

2. I was there first.

3. She was turning left, came from a road, and was stopped after me.


I haven't really seen any other places like this (with the whole extra lane for people on this side of the highway). Anyway, so many people just go in front of me (if they're there before me I let them, but I mean when I'm there first) when I'm in that lane that I feel like I'm doing something wrong (unlikely). Just wondering what you guys think (besides that I'm a very, very short tempered person). :tongue:



Okay, so looking at the map, it appears that the dotted lines on the road (on the red side at the intersection) are in the wrong place - they should actually be on the other side (blue). It would make sense that someone who needed to do a 90 degree turn would wait in lieu of someone who only needs to do 45 degree turn, since the red line person could take off much faster. So, it's because the lines are in the wrong place that is causing the issue. If the lines were fixed, then you'd be absolutely right and should have priority. But, the way the road is set out is stupid, so law-wise, I guess the lady was entitled to go first. It's dumb, but yeah.


Maybe suggest to the council to put up a give-way sign or something for less confusion?

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Yeah there is that line... I honestly don't know though, she really probably should have one too but I don't think any of these lanes have them. The direction she was going doesn't even have a yield sign up (it should, and the other end has one). The whole reason it was redone was because we get so many semis coming down the road, so they added turn/merge lanes. And the sign on the road that explains that people have to yield to those in the center was put up because of complaints... Very few people read that one.
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