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Maybe it's just me, but the whole management crap (particularly staff morale ) in Metal Gear Solid V is bordering on annoying (as s#*!). I'm not really fond of this whole resource collection a lot of games are adding too (e.g. Dragon Age Inquisition).
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HA HA if only i had the money to go the way of ddr4. Sigh i can only dream.


Sense Intel is only doing the ddr4 route, i may have to get a I7. maybe the 8 core. May have to overclock that 8 core. Amd is the only one at 5ghz.




And http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117404&cm_re=intel_8_core-_-19-117-404-_-Product


and something like this for the mobo




AND CASE!!! http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160&cm_re=cooler_mASTER_CASE-_-11-119-160-_-Product


Nobody could beat that.


that water cooling video card would be super quiet to.


One more thing, the monitor


Has to be Gsync ready :geek: :dance:

Edited by SilentScope222
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Maybe it's just me, but the whole management crap (particularly staff morale ) in Metal Gear Solid V is bordering on annoying (as s***). I'm not really fond of this whole resource collection a lot of games are adding too (e.g. Dragon Age Inquisition).


Staff morale is pretty pointless, anyway. From what I've seen, low morale simply means more staff get injured or sick.


Also, I tried infiltrating an FOB for the first time just then (the event one, so not against another player). Got killed in about a minute. Luckily I set my character to a Direct Contact so I didn't lose her. I think I'm going to try as Snake next time, so I can use my echolocation mechanical hand to help me find enemies.



EDIT: Tried again, this time I didn't die immediately. However, the timer ran out and I got a mission fail. How the f*** was I supposed to know what to do? I still don't know what to do! There was no way to ex-filtrate since it doesn't let you use your helicopter, so how the bloody hell do I beat it?


Well, that's half an hour of my life gone. And about 500,000 GMP. And about 5,000 hero points.

Edited by billyro
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Well, that's half an hour of my life gone. And about 500,000 GMP. And about 5,000 hero points.

Oh wow... If I have to risk that much just to attempt one of those I probably won't. I can't anyway since I'm only on like the 14th or so mission/episode (And damn, those credits get pretty old. I'm glad you can skip them).

Edited by K00L
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