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The last poster wins


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I hope STEAM is still holding their heads above the water line by December 25th 2015. Anyone who isn't using the new double security protection from STEAM, so they can validate them self, when they sign in may become another victim of the Cracker attacks. :wallbash:


Please stop calling internet thieves, "Hackers". :kiss:


Internet thieves are, "Crackers". Some people called them crazy, Nutty Crackers because they were crazy people working harder at cracking metal safes, just to prove they could, then people who worked 9 to 5 jobs.


They deserve to be called, "Crackers" so they can get the appropriate attention from the really old men and women in prisons called, "Safe Crackers" who cracked old metal safes which could not be opened with a bobby (or hair) pin and screw driver.


Fallout 4 or shift key and 4 = Fallout $ is FUN! :kiss:


Yet it still has a little bit of an adult edge to it so it is CHALLENGING. Try building all the communities, maintain them, and defend them from opposition without joining anyone but the Minutemen until you have.


I may retire from gaming after this, because I feel like I've earned it.



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I win because I am becoming a Fallout 4 hero and already have been groomed to rule the Fallout 4 Boston wasteland by a bunch of coders who almost deserve a super high 5, and modders who haven't got the CK yet who just can't wait for the CK release so they can get all their mods into our game machines.


Yay 1 Bethesda!

Yay Modders!

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