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The last poster wins


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I think the green thingy wins.


The green thingy, which looks like a question mark, that has jagged pointy stuff that looks like someone forgot to mow their lawn, which I suspect is some parts of the question mark looking thingy that will expand to look like wings. That green thingy, that appears to have a star behind it, which appears to have an eye watching.

That star looking thingamajig, which I believe may be truly an egg. An egg that hatched that the green thingy was truly inside. An egg in outer space?!


What is; that long question mark looking thingy? What will it look like when it gets nearer and clearer in the view of this magnifying thingamabob?



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Yeah, nevermind. That was an annoying, *censored*-y post so I'm gonna change it.

I picked my brother up from the airport today. Yup. Exciting.

Edited by K00L
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No! Not an annoying post?! Woe to thee K00L, (my interest momentarily queued to wonder what I missed) Oh, Noooo! Now I'll be like anyone else who posts here that wonders what annoyed you.


And Yet!


I may just go back to playing Fallout 4, finish some Minutemen community service to some of the members who I have gained their support for the Minutemen from, in the Common Wealth, and forget about your post.



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wonders what annoyed you.

Lot's of things annoy me, I just didn't want to annoy someone else. :tongue:

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