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The truth. Ironman's suit is a prosthetic device for really lazy gamers who had everything delivered right to the LazyBoy lounge chair. Everyone wants to know how the man living in Lucky 38 Casino in a cocoon for 200 years did it. What are your secrets for longevity, Mr. House! Or if you prefer, since we all know you're the man the iron suit, that we call you, "Ironman5000"?
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I see you needed time to think. Maybe you should hire a ghost writer to jot down some words on queue cards for you, so you appear like your brain isn't suffering from 200 years of isolation.


While the rest of us continued living and working our problems out in the wastelands, all the leaders of society, made it, all the while they waited for some wizard or super hero to come save the day. LOL



Sincerely. I hope you recover your health. ;)

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