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The last poster wins


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this little tweak fixes a fiew things like darker nights, just dont use a enb with it, you wont need it.




Also please use the bigger and taller tree mods, i would like to hear your opinion of such mods like that :geek: :happy:

Also there is a follower mod that works in SE, the amazing follower tweak is a stable gem that there ever was one.

Edited by niphilim222
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I was about to go and play the game after I visited the first 3 modders pages you shared when I got a note that you just posted again. I'll have to learn how to install mods correctly into Skyrims Special Editions Mod folder.


I was peering into the GoTY's Data folder to see what I have from earlier high res mods. I've got a bundle, but they *probably* won't work unless they're in the Data folder and Special Edition has a Mod folder for mods.


The 3 landscape and building mods look realistic and the lighting one will likely add the light mix in among the wilderness, cities, and caves.


Thanks again.

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Just use the Nexus mod manager, it'll guide through you on your path to overly taxing mods that might bring your Vram usage to its knees :teehee:

the end result is something like this, you cant tell by jpeg ut its much nicer in game.




Edited by niphilim222
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Because I post in this game hopelessly knowing I will never likely be the last of The Last, in The Last Poster Wins game it gives me a reminder. An idea this thread probably could hide if it had a Dark Side.


Because of this thread to post in, and a saying that Mom used to suggest; I am reminded that while awake, while day dreaming, and even while dreaming in my sleep there are moments that are kind of like winning in ways I never used to think of that they might be.


Mom used to say, "Count your Blessings each day." I realize when I do the day doesn't seem so bland, bad, or full of labor pains with strife and woe. Wins (blessings) I may never have known existed.


Although I have not won a grand prize from any other game I played, I've learned that I have won in many ways that when the blessings are all added up those blessings (wins) are worth more then the grandest prize someone else may have won once in their entire life.


Count your own blessings (wins) today and see if I'm telling you true.

I WIN! Again!

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I would like to devote this post to even more people then are in niphilim222's list.


To those too I devote this post to, I add all those distant cousins that may have slipped our minds because niphilim222 just may not think of times long ago when there were only 7 clans of humans on Earth.



There were 8 clans,but the eighth were all partying and having fun.


The 8th Clan didn't invite the others to their parties, because the others were living in the dark ages, and did not want to know how to grow their own food. :tongue:


AND still this is devoted to the 8th Clan. Who I party with after the harvest. Gee! That adds to the list a huge number of distant cousins, :woot: living and buried in those sarcophagus thingies; o_O older then the Egyptian ones. :tongue:



Rest well!


Stay Warm!




Happy trails to you; until we meet again.


Now back to the game!


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