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It is neither, and both.


The truth is the bounty that will get us through the Winter. If all canned goods jarred fill the root cellar's shelves, for the Winter then, the ordinary people can tell stories of Elves.


Shoe maker shoe maker come by the door, my boots and the shoes await your great will. Make them fresh with new toes and soles and I'll put out bowls of milk and cookies for your tolls. When Spring arrives I'll add sugar, spices, and chives. When the shoes and boots are returned I'll add gold to the lot with your bowl full of food, Gold to support you and your brood.

The evening light makes all those who live in the wild sit in their hovels and make up stories to entertain them through the night. The new couples take to the hearth where the flames can give the story a start. The staring into the flames when the story teller begins sets the minds ablaze and fantasy land's signs it brings.

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You could build stuff using the old CD/DVD's and put your new one in.


I've got the "Instructables" website up and am looking to see if there are any ideas shared there that might give me some idea I might like to do with all the parts of old computers I have on my shelf. There's always something new or something that reminds me of a project I started but had to quit when something else more important I had to do.


I had an idea one day and was looking for some parts to see about putting together the pieces to make it come true and found the website "Instructables".


It's a good website to pass some time looking in on when my creative nature gives me a brainy idea.


There a lot of ideas people share. The line, "Share what you make" suggests they share, but they really share how they make stuff.


I saw one where a person used two old hard drives to make a gadget. Didn't add to what I wanted to build though so I moved on quickly looking through the images.

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