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The last poster wins


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I'm finally replacing my computer! Or laptop I guess. But I mostly mean I'm actually getting a new PC since my old one died... however long ago. Craptop doesn't count anyway.

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Actually with the 1080 I am seeing the way we are meant to see. The 1080 reminds me of the time I heard my 94 year Dad reading aloud. He got flustered. He handed me the little item with tiny words. I couldn't the read the small print. I asked to borrow his reading glasses. They were smudged with finger prints. I decided to clean them. I could see the small print perfectly and so could he. The GTX 1080 is like a cleaned pair reading glasses.
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I'm having a good time with my gtx1060, its a wonderful card, for me its over kill to own a gtx1080. I only go 1080p anyways.

I ordered a GTX 1060 actually. For the same reason too, except my monitor only supports 1600x900 (so a 1080 would be WAYYYYYY overkill) and if/when (still flickering when there is too much red) I get a new one it'll only be 1080p.

Super excited though because the last card I bought was a 550 Ti and that was like... 5 years ago? AND that thing was in a computer with a CPU that was several years older.

Edited by K00L
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Yup if you have a 4k monitor, its the only thing you need to truly see how the gtx1080 works for ya. i have a stuck dead pixel mark, like a smug when pressing on the monitor, its a fairly new monitor, 24inch Asus. But that dead mark is anoying to the point its driving me crazy with Skyrim being so dark at times.

Edited by niphilim222
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I just wrote another University style thesis for my own college learned wisdom for my plans for my future which will never happen because I was crippled.


Deus Ex isn't making a prosthetic device that will help me get Back to the Future. But this Super UHD 4K TV with my own constructed computer system is just another sign that the MOVIE, Back to the Future progressed to another phase in 2010 the Space Odyssey, Oddly enough. They're Here! They're Back!


Back to the Future. Trump is President to be, really soon and that isn't a Pinochle Trump I am writing about.


It's a...



In Pinochle this win would be called, "Shooting the Moon".

Mars?! Mr. E. Musk... Don't you remember, "Hauser's wife wants to go to Saturn!"

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