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Cool overcast kind of day, coat weather.


OOH and my ssd is on the way out, backing and transfering to external drives tooka very long time. Even did a performance test to see witch drive was the problem, it turns our it was the SSD.

I may have to clone windows 10 to back up and restore my OS. Sense i downloaded it from the time they where giving it out for free.


I am going to make this drive my main C drive, to much wear and tear for such a ssd to be the main OS anyways. :facepalm: I will use it for storage until it Fails.



Well i may have saved my ssd, but the transfer speed is relatively slow on my old seagate drive 750gb. Still it would be nice to offload my games to a Hybrid and soley keep the ssd for applications.


Cool idea really. that storage drive is on its way out 40mb/s read speed.

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Quicker load times, stable fps when loading heavier textures, no fps thrashing. I gained a 60fps by simply cleaning and moving files between drives. just make sure your HD's dont dip below zero and all will be fine, transfer speeds that is.

Also i gained better loading times, stable 60fps with HQ trees and Simply bigger trees enabled, plus cc's mountains, blended roads, pretty textures 4k


STILL A CLEAN 60FPS.!!! :geek: :teehee:

Its amazing what you can do with a ssd, but i will get that ssd hybrid for gaming, i want this ssd to last.


There a saying the 8350 bottlenecks the gtx1060, but with a ssd it aint doing that, nope runs smoooth now. may have solved a problem.

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The latest patch for Mass Effect: Andromeda fixed the lip sync problems in the game. After installing an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 I noted the differences between it and the GTX 970 right away.


No lag, no latency, and Havarl's Jungle on the planet has rainfall.


My characters outfits had water droplets and rivulet's of water on them, but until I switched to the GTX 1080 I didn't see the Jungle's rainfall.

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here is a benchmark for the gtx1060, i felt like sharing it. I my ssd is kind of showing its read write age, but its all good for now.


Skyrim sse, i can't make it bottleneck now, its a smooth 60fps across the board, doesn't matter what i throw at it, texture mods and so on. Its like candy to this gpu :geek: :dance:



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The SSDs I found in the local computer stores aren't compatible with the Dell XPS 8900 I added the NVIDIA GTX 1080 to. I had a Thermaltake 1000 Watt Power supply which was ready for the upgrade that had all the compatible jacks and plugs. Now that I have got the specs the setting on the NVIDIA GTX 1080 for Mass Effect: Adromeda :woot: I can see the pores on the skin of the face of the character I chose to play my part in the game.



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