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The last poster wins


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I found a post on the Mass Effect: Andromeda thread in which another matured gamer got upset because the people who wrote and created the videos for the game had written it for a new audience and not an old gamer like him. Apparent the storyline is not what that gamer expected, the style of facial and physique construction tools that Mass Effect, ME 2 and ME 3, shared that even Dragon Age: Inquisition has, is missing.


It is so sad when a gamer suddenly discoverers their hopes and dreams for the future of a game is suddenly dashed from their own mental cloud and drags them down from that creative high rise they were dreaming on. Even sadder is that they had creative ideas motivated by stories in the games. The person may still have them, but instead of taking the controls and building on them for us to read and see their stories unfold; so far, they just got the lot of them dashed to pieces.


If I had a way to convey the message to them to take the storylines their mindful of in their creative brain functions the person might actually write some decent short storiees which could become another catalyst for a future novel and maybe a game in his or her honor some day.


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final decision, I'm getting this model.



Curious what the start times will be with 3200mhz ram and a sli mobo. :geek:


On the hunt for a Ryzen sli ready mobo, sigh am going to miss sli if i can't find one, although the gtx1060 does not do sli its nice to have. I need that sli slot for other purposes.

Found one with okay review



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I found a really good sli mobo for the Ryzen cpu :geek: :dance:



Doesn't say its sli though.

I see thats what that secondary pci e slot was a gen two.


This may work.



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If you're insane, don't open this.



I prepared you.


​Don't read this!


If you've read this far; you're not insane. You're just a bit curious.

If you've read this far you're just Goofy.














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If you're insane, don't open this.



I prepared you.


​Don't read this!


If you've read this far; you're not insane. You're just a bit curious.

If you've read this far you're just Goofy.















You win! for daring to open the Sacred Spoiler.




I WIN! :tongue:

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My computer is a bunch of parts which did not all fit in the case and on the MoBo. It looks like a pile of parts which would only a scavenger might like to go through to see if there are any parts. It isn't pretty, but the Dell XPS 8900 MoBo with it's i7-6700, Thermaltake 1000 Watt PS, and the NVIDIA GTX 1080 it's a super computer.


NVIDIA is providing a contest for best Pictures of Mass Effect: Andromeda. First Prize is a computer designed by some guys just for ME: Andromeda.


I have a good computer so I'm not participating.


I WIN! :tongue:

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Apparently the i7-6700 uses full 100% processor which bottlenecks the video card, the 1600 uses 60% processing power, that's the winning point from AMD vs Intel right now. Also getting some insane fps in benchmarks across the board.


Imagine that when using a metro2033 benchmarks looks insane, they don't bottleneck the gpu at all. :geek: :teehee:


Just like this benchmark


Of course fps may vary with a gtx1060. :teehee: :teehee:

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