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Evil says that s/he can drink for them self and they can besmirch their own name without anyone doing the drinking for them.


Same goes for Good who was drinking with Evil at the time and s/he also agrees. And added, "Drink to someone, or keep your drinking to your self."


Drinking to drown out your evil deeds, to drive out the memories of the horrors of huge monsters in the Ocean, or seeing whale's having sex, is just another excuse for wasting good booze.



:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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I have no desire to play any video games at this moment.

Why I would even want to think about building another computer when all but one server I have a connection to is meeting my sufficiently modern computers high end gaming abilities.


Selling a game is all those other servers business is about.

Skyrim: SE isn't really all that much better.


Epic games is the only link I have as of now, and yet if there is another I will find them, those that really use the full power of an Nvidia GTX 1080; sooner or later.


AI is picking up speed and becoming more abundantly available. I am going to save my money to be able to buy something that will dazzle me that is made with AI as part of it. It might be awhile. The NVIDIA AI hardware costs $129,000.00 each.


Ooo! The future looks like an adventure waiting for an explorer. An explorer who will take risks to give the rest of the people a path to follow.






Already was one.


Haven't given up the habits, but I'm getting too old to be a Outer Space Pathfinder. Maybe with science changing my physical status I might wake up and find, I've been restored to version of a stronger me.


:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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They are being real quiet about amd's real potential, meaning the benchmarks are few in between. Makes you wonder whats up. But the Youtubes there are very few recorded benchmarks period, and many seem fake.


Me i will show some legitimate numbers once i see it for myself.

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They are being real quiet about amd's real potential, meaning the benchmarks are few in between. Makes you wonder whats up. But the Youtubes there are very few recorded benchmarks period, and many seem fake.


Me i will show some legitimate numbers once i see it for myself.


Wishful thinking.

Kinda reminds me of the following, politically related, joke. I doubt you'll the get the true meaning behind it, but here goes:


A mathematician, a statistician and an economist have to find the answer to a question;

How much is 2 + 2?

"4, of course." Says the mathematician.

"That answer is bit too easy." Says the statistician. "I would say: 4 plus or minus 10 percent."

Finally, the economist says; "Well, what do you want to answer to be?"

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That's one of those jokes that is best told, and not written out for people to read.


I propose a toast. To Evil. And because Evil caused you to misspell, or use the incorrect word, in that last line of the economist. A Toast! To Evil! Good Job Evil, you screwed up another joke.


That's one of Evil's problems s/he is never any good at telling a good joke.


:sad: I WIN! :laugh:

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