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The last poster wins


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Hmmm stock market is looking all right in my opinion, they all went buy, buy, buy.. I was watching a live feed on youtube talking about the trading wars that amd has right now, at the last second things looked promising for the company. The New Ryzen cpu's sales are the key component of its life blood or all is bust. They have to do good or else.



70% of the investors where not Ryzen buyers i bet.

Edited by niphilim222
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I get the impression that the motivation you need, to get what you want, requires your need to find what is necessary to assure you what you get is what you really need.


If I can sell your Mother a new home appliance so I get some money I need to pay for my Board and Room, clothing, grooming devices, miscellaneous health care products, and transportation to and from home and work...




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I went on a road trip. I made the journey all the way to the high line. The temperature outside the car was 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Mid Summer temperatures not late Spring or early Summer temperatures. HOT end of July and all through August temperature.


I steered the vehicle to the left at the T in the road. It was a Capital T, not a lower case t. Which made it easy to steer the car to the left on it. West ward bound all the rest of the way until I reached my destination. A 1 TB SSD was available there. I was lucky. It was there. I bought it. I bought a couple of more items not related to it. I found my self wanting a matching set of wireless gaming Keyboard and wireless gaming mouse. I am still wanting a wireless gaming keyboard and a wireless gaming mouse that are compatible. Maybe I will drop all my other wants, like the Really Faster Then Light Speeds motor for my future really fancy ME: Andromeda outer space ship. I want to build my own really faster then light speeds motor so I can really have a really faster than light speeds ship to travel light years away and return home in time for dinner with the family.


Someone once complained that everyone on board a ship traveling at light speed would age minutes but everyone back on earth would age days weeks months and years and disappear in time before we, those of us on board the light speeding ship, could return to Earth. So I want to build a motor that will go Really Faster Then Light Speeds in Mass Effect: Andromeda so I don't have to be frozen in Cyro, or be late for dinner before it gets cold the same day I left in my own model Outer Space Ship that can travel Really Faster Then Light Speeds then Mass Effect: Andromeda has it's Outer Space Ship designed to do; so...



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These wins seem more and more like they are a design to possess something we can't bring back from dream sleep when we wake up.


I prefer to design, what I think about during the awake time, in my dream sleep so when I wake up I have something I can craft for fun, education, or maybe even to improve my way of life that I dreamed up and about.


Now where did I leave off with helping create the new Video Game that will come out next Autumn. Hm?


Oh! Yeah!





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