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I tested several OSes with open source to find out if any of the open source bunch, who put so many fine bits of corrective software on the market, had any progeny who are technically as productive.


I researched a bunch of LINUX OSes I found. The software with open source was what inspired me to become interested in computer code.


I got one little pop of an idea and then Deepin's server appeared to have had a download seizure when I requested it's latest version to send me their upgrade for it. The one on the 2014 DVD I found in the magazine, "LINUX Format" from the year 2014 was a toy OS for children.


I checked the magazine stands where I could find computer craft ragazines. No sign of any LINUX magazines for crafty people in the craft section for 2017. I found a craft magazine for Steampunk though; so the trip to the old style books store wasn't a total loss.

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Hey man, long time no see. How's life been treatin' ya?


Well, can't complain. Hope you're doing well too.



As a wise man once said - a day with self-inflicted whiplash injuries is a day well spent.j5K1jBI.gif


Amen to that.


Oh, and I win of course.

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Yeah! :wink: :wink: What kind of meat are you trying to keep from going stale; Salted or fresh off the butcher block? :wink: :wink:


My phone is distracting me so much I don't have time to dish out any helpful information for you, that you obviously could find surfing and making a few more inquiries via doing a little wording change in your search engines line.



By the way! When do you plan on changing your signature to show off your latest computer.

You know!

This one, " Current rig Gpu: GTX 1060 6gb model - gigabyte oc gaming model 2 fan. CPU: AMD 8350 OC 4.3ghz HD: Samsung EVO SSD 512gb Mobo: Sabertooth 990fx v2 Ram: ripjay 16gb 1880mhz Sound card: Creative Z HD 5.1"

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:wink: :wink: What kind of meat are you trying to keep from going stale; Salted or fresh off the butcher block? :wink: :wink:


I put 2 winks before and after I wrote that line about meat though. When I was growing up, winking twice before and after a sentence was a way of making it known a person was fooling and letting everyone who was watching them closely know the guy winking was fooling with anyone who wasn't paying attention.


In these modern times, I don't know if that's still something people do. The way things are going these days in the 21st Century that is.


I see M4A85 just didn't realize I was joking around about what you were asking about to help cool your CPU.


As for a cooling equipment there is a doozy of a set up I saw on YouTubes NVIDIA's daily garage show.


The liquid cooler had pieces that mounted to the Nvidia video cards, to the CPU, and to the RAM chips that a set set up with two hoses were attached to each fitting. It had radiators to cool the liquid antifreeze, in the hoses, with so many fans I think they could run it at Bonneville Salt Flats Timing Trials to see if they could set a record for the fastest fan driven computer's class. :laugh: LOL, XD



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