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The last poster wins


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I've been thinking about sex - how does a person know what to do if he/she never actually saw or heard how it's done? This is something I want to know and Google isn't helping me.


Pure instincts? After all, other animals seem to be able to have sex just fine without help too :tongue:


I'm not used to this at all, my life is usually hell.


All the better. Besides, life would be pretty dull if everything just went smoothly and nothing bad ever happened.


It also occurred to me that I win.

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My wife told me to go the the doctor's and get some of those pills that "help" you with an erection.


You should have seen her face when I came home and tossed her a bottle of diet pills.


I'm still looking for a place to live.........

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I cried for a moment or two. Tears flowed. The tears are backed up for the moment. Writing a word or two seems to curb the flow. I know, as soon as I stop writing the reason for holding them back will vanish.


I miss her. I don't know where she is. She thought I was going to die.


I didn't die back in 1980, maybe because; my body cured itself, or maybe, the doctor misdiagnosed me. Either way...


While hung up on wondering what to do with my self I remembered her. I remember how sad I felt when she left.


Oops! I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.


I miss her.


I realize now, in my case just being alive for another moment means...



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Poor Pagafyr i know how loved ones must feel for you, i have a girl friend who loves me just the same. Cheer up life is worth living, even if you think your going to die, just don't think about it, life can fool even the most qualified Doctors. :sad:

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