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Are you here to take the exams to see if you qualify to get into "FOOL's University" EnahsHere? :geek:


Alright! Which one of you leaked the fact this is where newcomers have to take the entrance exams to get into, "Fools University"?


Oops! I just did, didn't I? Oh! What a FOOL I was?! Am. Oh, well. Welcome EnahsHere. Enjoy your Win.


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I have a skyscraper in mind. I keep getting a desire to build it. I keep getting a desire to build a motor for a REALLY FASTER THAN LIGHT SPEED outer space ship roadster too.


I know a way to turn all my computer parts into something useful. :yes: STEAM PUNK Crafting. :yes:


But it takes so long to make things the way all the instructors in art I knew taught us to. :armscrossed: :wallbash: Slow tedious work to make something extraordinary.


Sometimes all I want to do is holler at the All Maker to speed me up. Or, at least, let me have my way with water coloring equipement, water, and a great big sheet of water coloring paper I can lay on the floor and wriggle around in. :woot:



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You know i might do two builds this year, one with a ryzen 1600 and another with ryzen 9 lowest and cheapest version.


Starting from scratch sounds like a fun idea. Patience is a problem, it might not even be this year when i get the parts in order.


I'm a system builder for fun, but i used to do IT for a business not to long ago.. :geek:

Edited by niphilim222
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I'm moving on to VR for fun and so I can get up off my couch for awhile.


Spring is here.


I had a dream, while I slept. Several people all were attempting to get the same thing which they wanted to involve me in, only I wasn't foolish enough to buy into their scheme, and went on to find something I needed.




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